
30 December 2011

समाचार News 30.12.2011

मुख्य समाचार:
  • राज्यसभा में हंगामे के कारण लोकपाल और लोकायुक्त विधेयक २०११ पारित नहीं हुआ, संसद के दोनों सदन अनिश्चितकाल के लिए स्थगित।
  • समुद्री तूफान थाने ने पुद्दुचेरी में तबाही मचाई।
  • भारत ने नियंत्रण रेखा से भारी तोपें और मोर्टार हटाने का पाकिस्तान का प्रस्ताव ठुकराया।
  • हॉर्मुज+ खाड़ी बंद करने की ईरान की धमकी के बाद अमरीका ने प्रमुख तेल उत्पादक और उपभोक्ता देशों से आपात योजना पर बातचीत शुरू की।
  • आबुधाबी में वर्ल्ड टेनिस चैम्पियनशिप में विश्व के नम्बर एक खिलाड़ी नोवाक जोकोविक ने गेल मोनफिल्स को हराया, सेमीफाइनल में जोकोविक का सामना आज रोजर फैडरर से।
लोकपाल और लोकायुक्त विधेयक-२०११ राज्यसभा में पारित नहीं हो सका।  इस मुद्दे पर कार्मिक राज्यमंत्री वी नारायणसामी जब बहस का जबाव देने उठे तो सदन में हंगामा होने लगा। शोर-शराबे के बीच संसदीय कार्यमंत्री पी के बंसल ने सदन में बयान दिया कि सरकार भ्रष्टाचार से प्रभावी ढंग से निपटने वाला  लोकपाल कानून लाने के लिए वचनबद्ध है।

संशोधन पर हम चर्चा करना चाहते रहे। उनसे बात करते रहे कि क्या-क्या संशोधन कैसे माने जा सकते हैं। बिल अभी लाइव है, राज्य सभा में रजिस्टर भी है, जो संशोधन उन्होंने पेश किए हैं, नोटिसेज दिए हैं वो लाइव है उनपर अगले सेशन में चर्चा होगी और फैसला फिर हो पाएगा, इतनी देर में हम इनसे बात करना चाहेंगे कि कौन-कौन सा संशोधन कैसे लाया जा सकता है।
सदन में विपक्ष के नेता अरूण जेटली ने आरोप लगाया कि सरकार ने सदन की कार्यवाही में जानबूझकर देरी की, क्योंकि उनके पास विधेयक पारित कराने के लिए पर्याप्त समर्थन नहीं था।

सरकार के पास संख्या नहीं थी और सरकार की नीयत ये थी कि किसी प्रकार से लोकसभा द्वारा पारित एक कमजोर लोकपाल बिल आए। विपक्ष के संशोधनों के साथ वो मजबूत लोकपाल बिल न बन पाए। मैं मानता हूं कि सरकार की राजनीतिक हार भी है, एक बहुत बड़ी नैतिक हार भी है।
मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के नेता सीताराम येचुरी ने सरकार से अनुरोध किया कि वह विधेयक को चर्चा और मंजूरी के लिए लाने की समयसीमा तय करे।

अगर सरकार यह कह रही है कि अभी बहुुत सारे अमेंडमेंट हैं जिसको उनको अध्ययन करने की जरूरत है तो बड़ी अच्छी बात है, अध्ययन करिए। लेकिन प्रस्ताव लाइए कब अध्ययन करोगे, कब पारित करोगे। हम चाहते हैं कि एक अफेक्टिव लोकपाल पारित हो। अगर प्लान है तो बताइए क्या प्लान है। वेगली जो बात कह रहे हैं उसका कोई मतलब नहीं है, इसका मतलब यह लग रहा है कि किसी न किसी तरीके से इस सेशन को टाल दें, वो मंजूर नहीं है।
उधर, कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता जनार्दन द्विवेदी ने विधेयक पारित न होने के लिए विपक्ष को जिम्मेदार ठहराया।

लोकसभा में बिल पास हुआ है। अगर आप उसी रूप में पास कर दें तो एक मिनट में ये बिल पास हो जाएगा। उसके लिए दूसरी पार्टियों के लोग तैयार नहीं थे। यही नहीं समय-सीमा भी बहुत बड़ी समस्या थी। १८७ संशोधन थे, उनको इस समय नहीं लिया जा सकता था। जो कुछ भी हुआ वह थोडी सी तकलीफ की बात है। अगर विपक्ष का रुख थोड़ा सहयोगात्मक रहा होता तो शायद ये बिल पास हो गया होता।
हंगामा और शोर-शराबा जारी रहने के कारण सभापति हामिद अंसारी ने व्यवस्था दी कि सदन को चलाना संभव नहीं है और उन्होंने बैठक अनिश्चितकाल के लिए स्थगित कर दी। इससे पहले कल लोकसभा की कार्यवाही भी अनिश्चित काल के लिए स्थगित कर दी गई थी। संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र में मंहगाई, कालाधन और भ्रष्टाचार के मुद्दे छाए रहे, जिनपर बहस के दौरान हंगामे हुए। भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ लोकपाल विधेयक लम्बी बहस के बाद लोकसभा में पारित हो गया, लेकिन संविधान संशोधन विधेयक गिर गया। सत्र के दौरान कई महत्त्वपूर्ण विधेयक पारित हुए और कुछ नए विधेयक पेश किए गए। लोकपाल और न्यायिक जबावदेही विधेयक पर बहस के लिए सत्र को २७ से २९ दिसम्बर तक तीन दिन के लिए बढाया गया।
दक्षिण पश्चिम बंगाल की खाड़ी से उठा समुद्री तूफान थाने, १२० किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे की रतार की तेज हवाओं के साथ आज सवेरे साढे चार बजे पुद्दुचेरी पंहुचा।  तूफान से भारी नुकसान हुआ है। इसके असर से कई पेड़ उखड़ गये तथा बिजली की लाइनें टूट गई और संचार नेटवर्क गड़बड़ा गया। हमारी संवाददाता ने बताया कि पुद्दुचेरी में पहले कभी इतना जबरदस्त तूफान नहीं आया।

पुद्दुचेरी तेज चक्रवाती तूफान की चपेट में है। इसकी तीव्रता इतनी अधिक है कि इसके असर से उबरने में लोगों को कई हते लगेंगे। पुद्दुचेरी के लोग चैन की नींद में थे, तब चक्रवाती तूफान थाने ने ऐसा विध्वंस किया जिससे पुद्दुचेरी वासियों ने पहले कभी नहीं देखा। तूफान आज सुबह चार बजे पहुंचा और अभी तक इसकी यही तीव्रता है। तेज हवाएं १२५  किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे की रतार से चल रही है। डर के कारण लोग अपनी खिड़की के बाहर झांंकने की हिम्मत भी नहीं जुटा पा रहे है। पद्दुचेरी से संजय घोष की रिपोर्ट के साथ दिल्ली से मै प्रियंका अरोड़ा, आकाशवाणी समाचार।
उधर, आंध्र प्रदेश सरकार ने समुद्री तूफान थाने के मद्देनजर जानमाल की सुरक्षा के ऐहतियाती कदम उठाने के लिए प्रकाशम, गुंटूर, नेल्लूर और चित्तूर जिलों में विशेष अधिकारी तैनात किए हैं।
राजस्थान में तीन हजार से अधिक डॉक्टरों के काम पर लौट आने के बाद सरकारी अस्पतालों में चिकित्सा और स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं में और सुधार हुआ है।  ९०० से अधिक सेवारत डॉक्टर भी काम पर लौट आए हैं। राज्य सरकार ने ५०० से अधिक निजी अस्पतालों को मरीजों को निःशुल्क चिकित्सा सेवाए उपलब्ध कराने के लिए अधिकृत किया है। इस बीच, सेवारत डॉक्टरों की हड़ताल का आज १०वां  दिन है।  राज्य सरकार और हड़ताली डॉक्टरों के बीच गतिरोध अब भी बना हुआ है।
भारत ने नियंत्रण रेखा से भारी तोपें और मोर्टार हटाने का पाकिस्तान का प्रस्ताव खारिज कर दिया है। भारत का मानना है कि नियंत्रण रेखा पर स्थिति में सुधार होने तक ऐसे प्रस्तावों पर गौर नहीं किया जा सकता। पाकिस्तान ने नियंत्रण रेखा के अक्सर होने वाले उल्लंघनों को देखते हुए यह प्रस्ताव किया है। भारत ने पाकिस्तान से परमाणु नीति और परमाणु परिसंपत्तियों पर कमान तथा नियंत्रण के बारे में नीति स्पष्ट करने को कहा है। चार साल के बाद इस्लामाबाद में दोनों देशों के अधिकारियों के बीच परमाणु और पारम्परिक विश्वास बहाली के उपायों के बारे में हुई दो दिन की बैठक के दौरान भारत ने पाकिस्तानी अधिकारियों से यह बात कही।
अमरीका ने कहा है कि वह हार्मूज+ की खाड़ी बंद करने की ईरान की धमकी को देखते हुए तेल  का उत्पादन और खपत करने वाले सभी बड़े देशों के साथ बातचीत कर रहा है। अमरीकी विदेश विभाग ने एक बयान में कहा है कि अमरीका,  ऊर्जा उत्पादन और खपत करने वाले देशों के साथ तेल बाजारों के विभिन्न पहलुओं तथा तेल आपूर्ति में किसी भी बाधा से निपटने की आपात योजना की रूपरेखा पर नियमित रूप से विस्तृत बातचीत कर रहा है। हालांकि विदेश विभाग ने इस बातचीत का विशिष्ट ब्यौरा देने से इंकार कर दिया। विश्व के विभिन्न देशों में समुद्री जहाजों से जाने वाले तेल का २० प्रतिशत हिस्सा हार्मूज+ की खाड़ी से होकर जाता है। अमरीका ने ईरान को भी चेतावनी दी है कि वह तेल की आपूर्ति में बाधा न डाले।
सऊदी अरब में वर्ष  २०१५ में महिलाओं को नगर पालिका चुनाव में उम्मीदवार बनने या वोट देने के लिए किसी पुरूष संरक्षक की सहमति की जरूरत नहीं होगी और पहली बार महिलाएं चुनाव लड़ सकेंगी। सऊदी अरब की शूरा परिषद के सदस्य फहद अल अंजी ने अल वतन अखबार को बताया कि सऊदी शाह ने महिलाओं को चुनाव लड़ने और वोट देने की मंजूरी दे दी है। चुनाव में भागीदारी का अधिकार देने के सऊदी शाह के ऐतिहासिक फैसले के बावजूद सऊदी अरब में महिलाओं को आज भी यात्रा करने, नौकरीं करने, विदेशों में पढ़ाई  करने , शादी और तलाक  लेने  और सरकारी अस्पतालों में भर्ती होने के लिये पुरूष संरक्षक की अनुमति लेना जरूरी है।
आबु धाबी में विश्व टेनिस चैंपियनशिप में विश्व के नम्बर एक खिलाड़ी नोवाक जोकोविक ने फ्रांस के गेल मोनफिल्स को ६-२, ४-६, ६-२ से हरा दिया। जोकोविक का मुकाबला आज पहले सेमीफाइनल में दुनिया के नम्बर तीन खिलाड़ी रोजर फेडरर से होगा। एक और मैच में स्पेन के डेविड फैरर ने छटे नम्बर के खिलाड़ी जो विलफ्रेड सोंगा को २-६, ७-६, ६-२ से पराजित किया। फैरर का मुकाबला दूसरे सेमीफाइनल में विश्व के नम्बर दो खिलाड़ी राफेल नडाल से होगा। राफेल नडाल ने पिछले टूर्नामेंट में रोजर फेडरर को हराकर खिताब जीता था।
देश में शिशु मृत्यु दर में कमी आई है। २०१० में शिशु मृत्यु दर ४७ प्रति हजार रही, जबकि २००९ में एक हजार शिशुओं में से ५० की मृत्यु हुई थी। भारत के महापंजीयक के आंकड़ों के अनुसार ग्रामीण इलाकों में शिशु मृत्यु दर में दो अंक की और शहरी इलाकों में तीन अंक की गिरावट आई।
समाचार पत्रों से    
लोकपाल विधेयक पर कल राज्यसभा में हुई चर्चा पर राजस्थान पत्रिका की सुर्खी है-महाबहस। बिजनेस भास्कर लिखता है-लेकिन बात नहीं बढ़ी आगे। बकौल हरिभूमि बैकफुट पर सरकार। अमर उजाला का कहना है-सहमी सरकार, पीछे हटी। जनसत्ता की सुर्खी है-संसद के भीतर बाहर हंगामा।
खाद्य महंगाई दर में छह साल में सबसे बड़ी गिरावट, आर्थिक अखबारों सहित सभी अखबारों की बड़ी खबर है। राष्ट्रीय सहारा की सुर्खी है-खाद्य मुद्रास्फीति जीरो। बकौल द इकनॉमिक टाइम्स-किचन से कैबिनेट तक महंगाई से राहत, लेकिन बिजनेस भास्कर की संपादकीय टिप्पणी है-अस्थायी है यह गिरावट, केवल लश सीजन की वजह से सब्जियों और फलों के दाम गिरे।
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आकलन के हवाले से हिन्दुस्तान के संपादकीय पृष्ठ पर है-भारत की ताकत को पहचान मिली, विश्व राजनीति में कद बड़ा हुआ।
अमर उजाला के पहले पन्ने के बॉटम पर है-हमारे वन्यजीवों पर भारी गुजरा वर्ष-२०११, वाइल्ड लाइफ प्रोटेक्शन सोसाइटी के आंकड़ों के अनुसार २०१० के मुकाबले बाघों और गुलदारों की मौतों में बढ़ोतरी हुई।
मेलबर्न टैस्ट मैच में हार पर राष्ट्रीय सहारा के खेल पन्ने की बैनर हैडलाइन है-बॉक्सिंग डे टेस्ट में टीम इंडिया पर हार का पंच।
कोहरे के कहर पर नई दुनिया की यह खबर ध्यान खींचती है-कोहरे के अंधेरे में अब एस एम एस से दिखेगा गाड़ियों का रास्ता।
दिल्ली मेट्रो रेल को विश्व में विशिष्ट पहचान दिलाने वाले डॉ० ई० श्रीधरन की कल हो रही सेवानिवृत्ति पर नवभारत टाइम्स की भावांजलि है-श्रीधरन फार्मूला कामयाबी का मंत्र। अमर उजाला में है-मेट्रोमैन की सौगात याद रहेगी।
0815 HRS
30th December, 2011
  • Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill 2011 could not be passed amidst unruly scenes in Rajya Sabha; Both houses of Parliament adjourned sine die.
  • Severe cyclonic storm Thane hits Puducherry leaving behind a trail of destruction.
  • India rejects Pakistan's proposal to move heavy artillery and mortars away from the Line of Control citing frequent ceasefire violations.
  • US holding talks with major oil producing and consuming countries on contingency plans following Iran's threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
  • World No 1 Novak Djokovic beat Gael Monfils in the World Tennis Championship in Abu Dhabi; To take on Roger Federer in the Semifinals.
The Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill 2011 could not be passed in the Rajya Sabha as unruly scenes were witnessed when the Minister of State for Personnel V. Narayanasamy rose to respond to the debate.  Amidst noisy scenes, Parliamentary Affairs Minister P K Bansal made a statement in the House that the government is committed to bringing an effective Lokpal to deal with corruption. Mr. Bansal said that some of the amendments moved were contradictory in nature.
We wanted to discuss the amendments to the Lokpal Bill. The bill is still live and is in the Rajya Sabha registry also. The proposed amendments are still live and will be discussed in the next session.
The Leader of the opposition in the House Arun Jaitely alleged that the government deliberately delayed the proceedings as it did not have enough support in the House to pass the bill. 
My last appeal to you is and I beseech you as a chairman of this house, this house will decide how long proceed. The government will not decide how long this house will proceed.
CPIM leader Sitaram Yechury urged the government to come with a time frame for thanking the bill up for discussion and approval. He demanded the passage of an effective Lokpal bill.
We want an effective Lokpal Bill to be passed. This is a continuing session, if needed, we will sit tomorrow also, but we will rest only after passing the Bill.
Congress leader Janardan Dwivedi said that the government wanted to pass the bill in the Rajya Sabha as it was passed in the Lok Sabha but the opposition did not agree:
If you will pass this bill, the way it has been passed in the Lok Sabha, then this bill will hardly take time to be passed. But, the opposition, specially the BJP was not ready for this.
Earlier, responding to the debate, Minister of State for Personnel V. Narayanasamy demolished the opposition criticism and said that the bill brought in by the UPA government is much more effective than the draft prepared by the then NDA government. His speech could not be heard as some members rushed towards Mr. Narayanasamy and attempted to tear certain papers. 
As unruly scenes continued, the Chairman Hamid Ansari ruled that it was not possible to run the House and adjourned it sine die last night. 
The Lok Sabha was adjourned sine-die earlier yesterday. 
The winter session of Parliament remained stormy with the issue of price rise, black money and corruption dominating the proceedings. The anti-graft bill, Lokpal was adopted in the Lok Sabha after a marathon debate but the constitutional amendment fell through. Several other important legislation were passed during the session apart from introduction of some new bills.  The session was extended by three days from the 27th to
the 29th of December, 2011 to discuss the Lokpal and Judicial Accountability Bills.
A severe cyclonic storm Thane hits Puducherry leaving behind a trail of destruction. Formed over southwest Bay of Bengal, the cyclonic storm has created havoc in the Union Territory even as the process of crossing the coast began early this morning. This process is likely to end in the next one hour. Coastal Puducherry was ripped apart with gale winds gushing at a speed of over 125 kilometers per hour. The cyclonic storm appears to be having landfall. The Director of the Met office in Chennai, Mr. Ramanan told our correspondent that winds over Puducherry and Cuddalore are very strong and are from the northern direction. He said, this will be followed by a lull period, followed again by very strong winds from southern direction. The met office has advised people to remain indoors during the lull period till the entire system crosses the coast. Our correspondent reports that Puducherry has never experienced a storm of such intensity.
Puducherry has been virtually stripped by the severe cyclonic storm, such has been the intensity, that it would take weeks to recover from the deadly strike. The extraordinarily powerful and furious cyclonic storm’s impact would be gauged only when people could take a walk around the town. When Puducherry was fast as sleep, Thane created havoc, never seen in the history of the Union territory.  Puducherry wore a deserted look, with none venturing out. People did not dare to even peep out of their windows, lest they be blown away. Sanjay Ghosh, AIR News, Puducherry.
In Andhra Pradesh, the government appointed special officers to the districts of Prakasam,
Guntur, Nellore and Chittor have been asked to take precautionary steps to minimize loss to life and property in view of the strong cyclonic storm.  Control rooms with helpline numbers have been activated in all collectorates of coastal districts to render assistance to the needy.
Chief Election Commissioner SY Quraishi held consultations with leaders of various political parties in Dehradun last evening regarding the forthcoming assembly elections in Uttarakhand. The BJP has urged the Chief Election Commissioner to reconsider the poll date keeping in mind heavy snowfall the state experiences during January. CPI-M also urged the Chief Election Commissioner to change the date.  Sources said, Dr. Quraishi told political leaders that in case of heavy snowfall, polling may be rescheduled at particular polling stations.
The infant mortality rate, IMR, has shown a decline in the country compared to the previous year. It had come down to 47 deaths per thousand in 2010 as against 50 deaths per thousand in year 2009. According to data released by the Registrar General of India for 2010, a drop of two IMR points in the rural and three points in the urban area has been recorded. Talking to reporters in New Delhi, Health Secretary P.K. Pradhan said that if the trend continues, the country will be able to achieve the target of Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
India has rejected Pakistan's proposal to move heavy artillery and mortars away from the Line of Control (LOC) citing frequent ceasefire violations. New Delhi asked Islamabad to come clear on its nuclear policy, including command and control over nuclear assets. According to official sources, this was conveyed to the Pakistani officials by India during the two-day talks on nuclear and conventional confidence building measures that were held in Islamabad after a gap of four years. During the talks India conveyed to Pakistan the need to demonstrate restraint and responsibility in the nuclear field and urged it facilitate talks on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty. Sources said, New Delhi cannot look at such proposals till the situation on the LoC improves.
The United States says it is holding talks with major oil producing and consuming countries on contingency plans following an Iranian threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz. In a statement, the State Department said, the US is maintaining a regular, full and robust dialogue with significant energy producing and consuming countries on various aspects of the oil markets, including contingency plans in the event of disruptions to those markets. However, it declined to comment on the specifics of these discussions. About 20 per cent of the world's oil shipments pass through the strait.
In one of their biggest arms deal, the US and Saudi Arabia have inked an agreement worth 29.4 billion US dollars for the sale of 80 new F-15SA combat jets and modernisation of another 70. This was announced by the White House yesterday amid heightened tension with Iran in the region.
These F-15SA aircraft, manufactured by The Boeing Company, are among the most sophisticated and capable aircraft in the world.
World No 1 Novak Djokovic beat Gael Monfils of France 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 at the World Tennis Championship in Abu Dhabi. He will take on World No.3 Roger Federer in the first Semifinal today. In the other match, David Ferrer of Spain rallied from a set down to score a 2-6, 7-6, 6-2 win over sixth seed Jo Wilfred Tsonga. Ferrer takes on World No.2 Rafael Nadal in the other Semifinal. Rafael Nadal had won the last edition of the tournament defeating Roger Federer.
  • The failure of the government to get the Lokpal bill passed in the Rajya Sabha dominates the front pages of all the papers. "No vote on Lokpal; Rajya Sabha adjourns abruptly" reports the Hindu. Highlighting the blame game that has started the Mail Today writes "Govt says 187 amendments to Bill created web of confusion; BJP alleges govt choreographed RS debate to stall bill". The Times of India observes "Faced with a loss in RS, govt avoids vote; Trinamool Congress, Opposition cry foul".
  • The Prime Minister's address at a conference of the Dalits and Minorities International Forum is widely noticed. The Asian Age quotes the Prime Minister as saying "Dalits still face discrimination". With the Prime Minister rejecting the suggestion that his government hadn't implemented the recommendations of the Sachar Committee, the Hindustan Times writes "Eye on poll, PM talks of minority schemes".
  • With yet another arrest being made investigation in connection with the murder of an Indian Student Anuj Bidve in Britain are highlighted in most papers. "Fifth arrest in Bidve killing" reports the Tribune. The Hindu writes "Indian student's murder to be treated as racially motivated".
  • In a special story, the Hindustan Times writes that the CBI investigating the multi-crore National Rural Health Mission scam in UP has found that substandard drugs were sold to government hospitals by pharamceutical firms. The paper reports that the firms made a profit of 500%.
  • In international news, the escalating tension between the US and Iran over the latter's threat to close the Strait of Hormuz to oil tankers is prominently noticed in the papers today. "US, Iran gear up for strait fight" says the Times of India even as the Hindustan TImes reports "US carrier spotted in Iran wargame zone".
  • And finally...a did he or didn't he story. The Indian Express reports on its front page on how the makers of a Chattisgarhi film releasing today praised debutante actor Chief Minister Raman Singh at a crowded press conference yesterday but hours later the Chief Minister's Office clarified that he had not acted in any film.
  • 1400 HRS
    30th December, 2011
  • Government says Lokpal Bill will be taken up for consideration in the Rajya Sabha during the forthcoming Budget session of Parliament.
  • Severe cyclonic storm Thane wreaks havoc in Puducherry; heavy rain in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

  • Compressed Natural Gas, prices to be hiked by one rupee and seventy five paise, with effect from midnight.

  • More than 40 flights delayed due to heavy fog in the morning in the national capital.

  • Election Commission deploys over 200 officers from Income Tax Department to curb use of blackmoney during forthcoming Assembly Elections.

  • Sensex slips into the red in volatile afternoon trade; Rupee depreciates by 23 paise to 53 rupees 30 paise against the dollar in early trade.

  • World No 1 Novak Djokovic to clash with Roger Federer and David Ferrer to play against World Number 2 Rafael Nadal  in the semi finals of the World Tennis Championships at Abu Dhabi today.
The Government today said the Lokpal Bill will be brought before the Rajya Sabha for consideration and passage during the Budget session of Parliament. Minister of State for Personnel V Narayanasamy told reporters in New Delhi that   after going through the amendments, the government will take a final call on the amendments and get back to the Opposition parties.
Referring to the amendments moved by key UPA partner Trinamool Congress on the Bill in the Rajya Sabha, Narayanasamy said its reservations are regarding the appointment of Lokayuktas in the states and they have no grievances against the Lokpal.
But at the same time the minister said Trinamool was part of the Cabinet decision to clear the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill introduced in Lok Sabha a few days ago. This Bill could not be passed in the extended session of Rajya Sabha last night as unruly scenes were witnessed when the Minister of State for Personnel was winding up the debate. The legislation has already been passed by the Lok Sabha.
Government today held opposition responsible for delay in the passage of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill 2011 in Rajya Sabha last night. Briefing reporters in New Delhi, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal alleged that BJP had choreographed the ruckus on the floor of the house so that government could not respond to queries of the debate. He said that opposition had brought 187 amendments in the bill which made it impossible for the government to incorporate them at that point of time. The Minister expressed Government's  commitment to see the bill cleared by Parliament in the coming  Budget session. He charged the opposition with adopting double standards.
They kept fielding their own members till the last and there were large number of opposition members from different parties who participated in the discussion. The question that I asked them is simple, Did we give their names? That's why they make that performance choreographed, which also cast reflection on the chair, when the chair in the position not to say anything. Infact, they are guilty of stalling the proceedings for the simple reason that they did not want this bill to be passed.
Mr. Bansal said that government had approached all the parties willing to pass the bill as cleared by Lok Sabha but the Opposition was not willing to cooperate. Giving the details of the Business in both the Houses, the Minister said the Winter session provided 24 sittings spread over a period of 38 days. He said that seventeen Bills were passed by both the  houses  during the session. Mr. Bansal said that an Adjournment Motion on sitution arising out of money deposited illegally in foreign banks action taken there in moved by the senior BJP leader Mr. L K Adwani was negatived by voice vote.
The BJP says the central government has lost the moral right to be in power. Talking to reporters in New Delhi today, party president Nitin Gadkari said that dithering on the Lokpal Bill vote was wrong.
The UPA government has lost the moral right to be in power. They have failed in both the houses. On the moral grounds, Manmohan Singh and the government should resign and the government should resign immediately and free the country. This is BJP's demand.           
Mr Gadkari said that BJP top brass is meeting in
New Delhi this evening to discuss the future course of action.
The very severe cyclonic storm Thane over the south west Bay of Bengal moved further westward and crossed North Tamil Nadu coast between Cuddalore and Puducherry between 0630 - 0730 hrs this morning. It then continued to move westwards and weakened into a severe cyclonic storm and lay centered about 30 kms of Cuddalore and 35 kms southwest of Puducherry. The system is likely to move westwards and weaken further.
The Met office in Chennai has forecast rainfall at most places with heavy to very heavy falls at a few places over north coastal Tamil Nadu and Puducherry during the next 12 hours and over north interior Tamil Nadu during the next 24 hours.
Sea condition is very high along and off North Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts. Fishermen along North Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts have been advised not to venture into the sea in the next 12 hours. Our correspondent reports that Puducherry bore the brunt of the cyclone Thane as the gushing winds with speed over 125 kms per hour ripped apart the town.
As Puducherry was getting ready to celebrate the New Year, came Thane from no where to leave deep wounds, which would take time to heal. The gale winds along with heavy rains have left its scar. Giants trees uprooted, Power lines dangling dangerously, twisted lamp posts, inundated roads bear testimony to the havoc that has been caused.
Thousands of people living in low lying areas are in a state of shock, with their thatched huts blown away by the fury of gushing winds. Buses  and other modes of transport are completely off  the road, restricting the movement of  people who dared to venture out of the house. Essential services, including power and water supply have been hit. The entire city looks war ravaged and it looks it would take a while to restore normalcy. Sanjay Ghosh, AIR News, Puducherry.
In Nagapattinam, more than 1000 people have been taken to cyclone safety centres and district authorities are taking care of them. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa convened a high level meeting and reviewed the situation. The state government has allocated 150 crores for immediate relief and rescue measures. She has also ordered the State Ministers to visit the affected districts immediately to supervise relief measures.
Indraprastha Gas Limited has increased the price of compressed natural gas (CNG)  by one rupee and 75 paise per Kilogram  in the national capital. The revised price will be effective from midnight tonight. The new consumer price in Delhi will be 33.75 rupees  per kg. In a statement, Indraprastha Gas has said that this follows mainly on account of rupee depreciation against the US dollar.
The revision in prices will  also result in increase by  2 rupee per kg in the price of CNG in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad and the new rate will be 37.90 per kg in these region. The company   sells CNG to automobiles and piped cooking gas to households in Delhi and neighbouring towns.
The Election Commission has deployed over 200 officers from the  Income Tax Department to curb the use of blackmoney during the forthcoming Assembly Elections  in five states. Elections in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur are to be held and the date of polls have already been announced. Talking to AIR  Deputy Election Commissioner Alok Shukla said that these IT - officials have largely been drawn from various investigation wings of the department. He said, the Commission will soon brief these officers on their mandate and duties during the polls. Mr. Shukla said they will  head specially created flying squads to check and take action against illegal movement of cash and transactions in these poll bound states. Our correspondent adds that the commission has also asked candidates to open separate bank accounts for their election expenses and to make all expenses through them.
Jailed ex-chief minister of Jharkhand and Member of the Lok Sabha -Madhu Koda has been shifted back to the local Birsa Munda Central Jail. Mr. Koda was in a premier government hospital in Ranchi since 31st October. Two other accused former cabinet colleague Bhanu Pratap Sahi and Vijay Joshi, who were also discharged from Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences last night, have been sent to jail. Mr. Koda and Kamlesh Singh were arrested on November 30th, 2009, while  ex-health minister Bhanu Pratap Sahi surrendered before a special CBI court in connection with a medicine scam this year.
Dense fog continued to put life out of gear in the national capital. Air, road and rail traffic was disrupted due to poor visibility. More than 40 domestic and international flights were delayed, and nine filghts cancelled. Director of the Meteorological office at the IGI Airport R K Jenamani told AIR that visibility at the runway dropped to zero, as a result no flight could take off between 5.30 and 10 am. The minimum temperature recorded was 6.6 degree celsius ,one degree below normal. The maximum temperature settled at 22.3 degree celsius. The Met office has predicted that dense fog will continue tomorrow as well.
The centre has decided to release over 17 lakh tons of sugar for January next year. It includes over two lakh tons levy sugar. According to an official press release, this quantity is sufficient to meet the internal demand of sugar for the month. Sugar factories are to deliver and dispatch the entire non-levy quantity released for the month within the validity period of 31st January.
North Korea today ruled out any policy changes and rejected any engagement with South Korea's current government. The announcement comes a day after Pyongyang proclaimed the son of late leader Kim Jong-Il as its new supreme chief. The National Defence Commission, the top decision-making body, castigated South Korea's response to Kim's death on December 17 and threatened unspecified retaliation. The US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell will visit China, South Korea and Japan next week to discuss developments after Kim's death and other issues.
Thousands of protesters rallied near Damascus as Syrian security forces killed at least 25 civilians nationwide. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said some 30,000 people gathered in a square outside the Grand Mosque in Douma just north of the capital, prompting security forces to pull back from previously held positions. According to UN estimates announced in early December, more than 5,000 people have been killed in the Syrian government crackdown on dissent since mid-March.
Jamaica's main opposition party has won the country's parliamentary elections, while the ruling Jamaica Labour Party conceded defeat. Preliminary results showed that with 50 percent of the votes counted, the opposition People's National Party is expected to win 42 out of the total 63 parliamentary seats.
In Kerala, the expert team of engineers from Roorkie, IIT undertaking a dam break analysis study in the Mullapperiyar dam area, is surveying places from lower periyar to Bhoothathan kettu today.  The team led by Dr. S K Mishra has inspected  mullapperiyar dam and places near to the 116 year old structure yesterday to study the impact  in case of  a dam break.
The team will be submitting its report to the state government within a fortnight. Meanwhile, hunger strike and satyagraha demanding decommissioning of the dam by leaders of different political parties are continuing in Idukki.
The Assam government said a major group of the anti-dam protesters who are carrying out the road blockade on the national highway number 52 against construction of the 2000-megawatt Lower Subansiri Hydel Project at Gerukamukh, are influenced by Maoist ideology.
The State Power Minister Pradyut Bordoloi said Maoists have a big role in this blockade. He said these Maoists take up local problems and the issue of regionalism to forge ties with the local people. Their only objective is to bring about instability in the country. Bordoloi said the banned outfit United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is also involved in this anti-dam movement in bits and parts. The Minister said the Assam Government will never compromise on national interest and will take stern action against activities of the protesters.
In afternoon trade the sensex is trading in the red. But the Sensex at the Bombay Stock Exchange had gained 75 points to 15,619 in the first five minutes of trade, this morning, on fresh buying by investors, amid firm Asian bourses.  The 30-share Sensex had lost more than 400 points in  the past three trading sessions.
Other Asian markets in Japan, China, Hong Kong and Indonesia were up by between 0.2 percent and 0.8 percent, today, following encouraging economic data from the US. Across on Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had gained 1.1 per cent, overnight.
Meanwhile, the Indian rupee depreciated by 23 paise to 53 rupees 30 paise against the US dollar in early trade today. The fall was due to persistent month-end demand for the American currency from importers, despite a lower dollar in overseas markets and a higher opening in the equity market. The domestic currency had lost 10 paise to close at a nearly two-week low of 53 rupees 07 paise against the dollar yesterday.
The 8th joint convention of the Pakistan-India People’s forum for Peace and Democracy is on in Allahabad. About two hundred delegates belonging to different social groups, civil society activist and Human right activists from Pakistan are taking part in this three day Peace Convention.
While delivering his Key note address country's known social scientist Prof Ravi Sinha underlined the Commonalties between two countries and challenges for the future. Prof Sinha said that the fight for democracy in today’s world cannot make progress without fighting against the global capital and orthodox cultural values. While Talking to media persons several Pakistani delegates emphasized for smooth and frequent visit of common people between two countries.
Eminent jurists have called upon the expatriate Indians to exercise their rights under the Right to Information Act, RTI to address the issues back home. The experts said the issues may vary from seeking the information regarding charges by government departments, hospitals, university admissions, building permits, loans and so on. The views were expressed at the Indo-UAE legal lecture series, organised by the Dubai Judicial Institute in Dubai.
Indian Consul General Sanjay Verma said, the RTI provisions can be utilized effectively by the Non Resident Indian community to seek information on various issues back home. The Director-General of Prosecution and State Public Prosecutor of the Kerala High Court, Asaf Ali said RTI is one of the means to avoid inordinate delays in processing of issues. Ali himself has filed 6,000 RTI applications since the enactment of the law in 2005 to secure information and fix responsibility of public officials.
World No 1 Novak Djokovic takes on World No.3 Roger Federer in the first Semifinal of the World Tennis Championship in Abu Dhabi today. In the other Semifinal, World No.2,  Rafael Nadal will meet David Ferrer. Our West Asia Correspondent has filed this report
It is billed as the clash of titans in Abu Dhabi. In the last tournament of the Calender Year, the Roger Federer is pitted against the World No.1 Novak Djokovic in the last four. The Swiss master and the former world number One is trying to regain his title with 18 straight wins so far. Djokovic showed his class in the previous game as he overpowered Gael Monfils of France 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. In the other match, a recuperating Rafel Nadal will be vying his chances against the upcoming David Ferrer who defeated Jo Wifried Songa. Although still nursing an injury, the Spaniard is all set to defend his title. Nadal beat Federer in the Abu Dhabi finals early January. Atul Tiwary, AIR News, Dubai.
Bangaon, the largest village, both by area and population, in Bihar’s Saharsa district has carved a niche for itself in administrative services. At least 45 natives of the village have bagged coveted jobs of IAS and IPS and the trend continues.
AIR Patna correspondent reports that the craze for administrative jobs among the villagers is such that newly born male children are named as Magistrate, Collector, Colonel and SP. Every year, a few talented children, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, are spotted by educated villagers and are backed to the hilt to become an administrative officer.
And the “sons of soil” have not let down the villagers by ensuing that the village is known as the village of IAS and IPS officers. Besides a good number of youth belonging to the village have become doctors, engineers, scientists and academicians.
When reached for his comments Darbhanga Inspector General of Police R K Mishra, an IPS officer of 1986 batch attributes this phenomenon to educational atmosphere in the village which has a number of schools and colleges since pre-independence.

About 9 kms from the district headquarter town of
Saharsa, the village is known as the work place of well known 18th century saint poet Laxmi Nath Gosai. He was a saint and poet who wrote and sang religious songs which are still sung by the people of this region with great reverence. The village also takes pride in being adjacent to Mahishi, the birthplace of legendary 8th century scholar and philosopher Pundit Mandan Mishra. He along with his wife Bharati made a notable contribution to Indian philosophy.
The Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) has initiated the probe into alleged dumping of choline chloride from China. After the probe, merits of imposing anti-dumping duty on imports of choline chloride, a chemical used mainly for animal feed, from China will be ascertained.
India has initiated 149 anti-dumping cases against China, which account for over half of such actions taken by the country against foreign nations. Our correspondent reports that countries initiate anti-dumping probes to check if domestic industry has been hurt because of a surge in cheap imports. As a counter-measure, they impose duties under the multilateral WTO regime. Unlike safeguard duties, which are levied in a uniform way, anti-dumping duties vary from product-to-product and from country-to-country.
The United States has created a new hotline for people arrested for immigration violations to help ensure their rights are protected. The Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency said yesterday the hotline is for people who believe they are US citizens or victims of a crime. The announcement comes amid increasing reports of US citizens being deported and with a number of states tightening their enforcement efforts and enacting controversial new laws against immigration.
The new hotline also follows a Justice Department report earlier this month alleging that an Arizona sheriff and his deputies had violated civil rights laws by engaging in racial profiling of Latinos and making unlawful arrests. The Supreme Court has agreed to rule on the constitutionality of the law, which the Obama administration says interferes with the federal government's authority over immigration policy.
In addition to the ICE hotline, the federal agency said it has also created a form that will be issued to anyone detained in the immigration enforcement effort with instructions on what to do if they feel their civil rights were infringed on. The form also informs detainees that ICE must take over their custody within 48 hours. If not, the form advises the detainee to inquire about being released from state or local custody.
In Tamil Nadu, eleven people died in Cuddalore and two in Villupuram districts in the cyclone Thane. Reports  say  that two people  died in Puducherry also.
More than 5,000 artefacts salvaged from the Titanic are to be sold in one lot at auction in New York. In a filing with the Security and Exchange Commission, Premier Exhibitions, which owns sole salvage rights to the Titanic through its RMS Titanic unit, said it had engaged New York auctioneers Guernsey's to handle the sale. It will take place on April 15, the 100th anniversary of the day the White Star liner - on its maiden voyage to New York from Southampton, England - slipped under the icy North Atlantic Ocean after hitting an iceberg off Newfoundland. No reserve price has been set, but publicly-listed Premier Exhibitions said the artefacts - some of which are now on show in Singapore and Curitiba, Brazil - were appraised at 189 million US dollars in 2007. No reason was given for the sale, but last month Premier Exhibitions reshuffled its top management team after reporting a second-quarter loss of nearly 2 million dollars due in part to fewer people going to its shows.
मुख्य समाचार :

  • सरकार ने कहा है कि लोकपाल विधेयक राज्यसभा में पराजित नहीं  हुआ है और बजट सत्र में इस पर फिर चर्चा होगी।
  • भीषण समुद्री तूफान थाने से तमिलनाडु और पुद्दुचेरी में २१ लोगों की मौत।
  • राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में आज आधी रात से सीएनजी गैस की कीमत एक रूपए ७५ पैसे प्रति किलो बढ़ेगी।
  • सेंसेक्स में लगातार चौथे दिन गिरावट का रूख। सूचकांक नवासी अंक गिरकर १५ हजार ४५५ पर बंद।
  • अबुधाबी में विश्व टेनिस प्रतियोगिता में विश्व के नम्बर एक खिलाड़ी नोवॉक यूकोविच, रोजर फेडरर को हराकर फाइनल में पहुंचे।
गृहमंत्री पी चिदम्बरम ने कहा है कि लोकपाल और लोकायुक्त विधेयक पर संसद के बजट सत्र में राज्यसभा में फिर से चर्चा करायी जायेगी। मीडिया पर मंत्रीसमूह की बैठक के बाद उन्होंने पत्रकारों से  कहा कि विधेयक अब भी सुरक्षित है और सरकार अन्य दलों से इसके बारे में बातचीत करेगी। श्री चिदम्बरम ने सवाल उठाया कि जबरन थोपे गए संशोधनों को  कैसे मंजूर किया  जा सकता है।

भारतीय जनता पार्टी, जिसने लोकपाल विधेयक का लोक सभा में विरोध किया, उसकी मंशा इसे राज्यसभा में पास कराने की नहीं थी। इसलिए विपक्ष की और से कुल मिलाकर १८७ संशोधन प्रस्ताव रखे गए। इनमें से बहुत से संशोधन तो विरोधाभाषी थे। इतने सारे संशोधनों पर विचार करने और फैसला करने के बारे में इतने कम समय में सोना भी नहीं जा सकता था।
यूपीए के सहयोगी दल तृणमूल कांग्रेस के लोकपाल विधेयक के विरोध के बारे में पूछे गए सवाल के जवाब में गृहमंत्री ने माना कि गठबंधन के सहयोगी दलों के बीच कुछ मतभेद हैं।
सवालों का जवाब देते हुए सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्री अम्बिका सोनी ने कहा कि सरकार विधेयक के बारे में गलतफहमियों को दूर करने के लिए सहयोगी दलों से बातचीत करेगी। उन्होंने जोर देकर कहा कि यूपीए ने अपने चुनाव घोषणा पत्र में किए गए वादों को पूरा किया है।

अंबिका सोनी
पारित हो सकता था बिल, जैसे लोकसभा में पारित किया उसको राज्यसभा में पारित होने कि क्या रूकावट थी सिवाय बीजेपी के। ये बात किसी से छुपी नहीं थी कि हमारी संख्या राज्यसभा में कम है, हमें सबकी मदद की जरूरत है और अगर सब इमानदारी से लोकपाल बिल चाहते तो राज्यसभा में ये पारित हो सकता था। उन्होंने नहीं पारित करकर जनता को सबूत दिया है कि सिर्फ कांग्रेस लैड यूपीए गरवमेंट पारित करना चाहती थी।
राज्यसभा में लोकपाल विधेयक के पारित होने में देरी के लिए कांग्रेस और विपक्षी दल एक दूसरे पर दोषारोपण कर रहे हैं। कांग्रेस का कहना है कि भारतीय जनता पार्टी के अवसरवादी आचरण और अड़ंगेबाजी के कारण सदन में लोकपाल विधेयक पारित नहीं हो सका। दूसरी ओर विपक्ष का आरोप है कि सरकार के रवैये के कारण देश को मजबूत लोकपाल विधेयक नहीं मिल सका।
कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता अभिषेक मनु सिंघवी ने नई दिल्ली में संवाददाताओं से कहा कि सरकार ने विधेयक को लोकसभा में पास कराने के लिए अंतिम चरण में उसमें अनेक संशोधन किए थे।

अभिषेक मनुसिंघवी
कांग्रेस पार्टी भ्रस्ता करती है, कठोर शब्दों में निंदा करती है, बीजेपी और उनके एलावी द्वारा जो बाधापूर्ण  जो विलम्ब से भरा जो नकारात्मक रूख अपनाया गया है, जो सस्ती राजनीति के फायदे के उद्देश्य से रूख अपनाया गया है और अवसरवादिता के आधार पर जो रूख अपनाया गया है कि किसी प्रकार से लोकपाल बिल राज्यसभा में इस सत्र में नहीं पारित हो।
राज्यसभा में विपक्ष के नेता अरूण जेटली ने कहा कि सभी विपक्षी दल विधेयक में तीन महत्वपूर्ण संशोधनों पर एकजुट थे, लेकिन सरकार ने उनकी मांग पर ध्यान नहीं दिया।

अरूण जेटली
छह बजे से कि मनेजमेंट अब सफल नहीं हो पायी तो अब क्या करेंगे, किसी प्रकार से सदन को डिस्टर्ब करायेंगे ...अंग्रेजी में.... ये रणनीति अंत में कानून की थी। ये दूर्भाग्यपूर्ण है और जैसे सरकार और सरकार के जो सबसे वरिष्ठ लोग प्रधानमंत्री जी और वित्तमंत्री वहां मौजूद है संसद में वोट हो इससे भागने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं।
मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी ने राज्यसभा में विधेयक पास न होने के लिए सरकार को जिम्मेदार ठहराया है। नई दिल्ली में जारी प्रेस विज्ञप्ति में पार्टी ने कहा कि वह मजबूत और प्रभावशाली लोकपाल विधेयक के लिए अपना संघर्ष जारी रखेगी।
कांगे्रस महासचिव राहुल गांधी ने फिर कहा है कि केंद्र की यूपीए सरकार भ्रष्टाचार रोकने के लिए एक मजबूत लोकपाल की स्थापना के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। आज उत्तरप्रदेश में सहारनपुर में एक जनसभा में श्री गांधी ने संसद में लोकपाल के मुद्दे पर यूपीए के रूख का समर्थन किया।
बंगाल की खाड़ी में उठे भीषण तूफान थाने के कारण तमिलनाडु और पुद्दुचेरि में २१ लोग मारे गए हैं। तमिलनाडु में चौदह और पुद्दुचेरि से सात लोगों की मृत्यु का समाचार है। तमिलनाडु में कुड्डलूर में ११, विल्लुपुरम में दो और तिरुवल्लूर जिले में एक जान गई है।
नागापट्टनम में एक हजार सात सौ से अधिक लोग राहत शिविरों में चले गए हैं। मुख्यमंत्री जयललिता ने आज सवेरे राजस्व, अग्निशमन और सार्वजनिक निर्माण विभाग के वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों की बैठक में स्थिति की समीक्षा की। मुख्यमंत्री ने अपने मंत्रिमंडल के सहयोगियों से तूफानग्रस्त जिलों में जाकर राहत उपायों का निरीक्षण करने को कहा है।
पुद्दुचेरि में सात लोग मारे गए हैं। इनमें एक विदेशी नागरिक भी शामिल है। मुख्यमंत्री रंगास्वामी ने मृतकों के परिजनों के लिए दो-दो लाख रुपये की अनुग्रह राशि की घोषणा की है।
हमारे संवाददाता ने खबर दी है कि उन्होंने केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री पी. चिदंबरम से बात की और तूफान से हुए नुकसान के बारे में बताया।

पंद्दुचेरी में तूफान के कारण बिजली व्यवस्था ठप्प हो गई है और चारों और अंधेरा छा गया है। व्यापक नुकसान को देखते हुए बिजली, पानी और यातायात बहाल करने में कई दिन लग सकते हैं। तूफान की विनाश लीला से किसी युद्ध के बाद का नजारा महसूस हो रहा है। सैकड़ों पेड़ उखड गये हैं, बिजली के खंबे मुड गये है और संचार केबल धवस्त हो गये हैं। सरकारी विभागों को सभी जरूरी सेवाएं बहाल करने के लिए युद्ध स्तर पर कदम उठाने होंगे।
पुद्दुचेरी से संजय घोष के साथ दिल्ली से मैं योगेन्द्रपाल सिंह।
अभी यह तूफान ओड़िशा में गोपालपुर से करीब एक हजार किलोमीटर दूर केंद्रित है। इसके असर से १२० से १४० किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की रफ्‌तार से हवाएं चल रही हैं। पाराद्वीप और गोपालपुर बंदरगाहों में  चेतावनी संकेत नंबर-२ लगा दिया गया है।
मौसम विभाग के अनुसार यह तूफान अब पश्चिम दिशा में बढ़ रहा है और धीरे-धीरे कमजोर पड़ जाएगा। ओड़ीशा में अगले चौबीस घंटों में भारी वर्षा और गरज के साथ बौछारें पड़ सकती हैं।
इंद्रप्रस्थ गैस लिमिटेड ने राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में सीएनजी के दाम एक रूपये ७५ पैसे प्रति किलोग्राम बढ़ा दिये है। संशोधित दाम आज आधी रात से लागू हो जाएंगे। अब एक किलोग्राम सीएनजी ३३ रूपये ७५ पैसे में मिलेगी। कंपनी द्वारा जारी विज्ञप्ति में बताया गया है कि डॉलर के मुकाबले रूपया  कमजोर होने से सीएनजी के दाम बढाये गये है।
नोएडा, ग्रेटर नोएडा और गाजियाबाद में सीएनजी २ रूपये प्रति किलोग्राम महंगी होकर अब ३७ रूपये ९० पैसे प्रति किलोग्राम की दर से मिलेगी।
आर्थिक जगत की खबरें
अमित गोयल
मुंबई शेयर बाजार में लगातार चौथे दिन गिरावट का दौर रहा और सूचकांक ८९ अंक लुढककर १५ हजार ४५५ के स्तर पर बंद हआ। नेशनल स्टाक एक्सचेंज का निफ्‌टी भी २२ अंक लुढककर ४ हजार ६२४ के स्तर पर बंद हुआ।
मुद्रा बाजार में रूपये की कीमत में आज ३ पैसे की गिरावट रही और एक डॉलर ५३ रूपये  १० पैसे के स्तर पर दर्ज हुआ।
दिल्ली सर्राफा बाजार में सोना स्टेन्डर्ड ७० रूपए की बढत से २७ हजार ४१० रूपए प्रति दस ग्राम के स्तर पर दर्ज हुआ। चांदी भी एक हजार २०० रूपए की बढत से ५० हजार ३०० रूपए प्रति किलोग्राम के स्तर पर दर्ज हुई।
दुनिया के नंबर एक खिलाड़ी सर्बिया के नोवाक योकोविच विश्व टेनिस चैंपियनशिप के फाइनल में पहुंच गए हैं। आबुधाबी में आज पहले सेमीफाइनल में नोवाक ने दुनिया के नंबर तीन खिलाड़ी स्विटजरलैंड के रोजर फेडरर को एकतरफा मुकाबले में ६-२, ६-१ से हरा दिया। दूसरे सेमीफाइनल में दुनिया के नंबर दो खिलाड़ी स्पेन के राफेल नडाल का मुकाबला स्पेन के ही डेविड फेरर से होगा।
उत्तरप्रदेश की मुख्यमंत्री मायावती ने चार और मंत्रियों को आज शाम बर्खास्त कर दिया। सरकारी प्रवक्ता ने हमारे लखनऊ संवाददाता को बताया कि ये मंत्री हैं - वनमंत्री फतेह बहादुर सिंह, तकनीकी  शिक्षा राज्यमंत्री सदल प्रसाद, अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के राज्यमंत्री हाजी अनीस अंसारी और मुस्लिम वक्फ़ राज्यमंत्री शहज+ील इस्लाम अंसारी। इन्हें विधानसभा चुनाव में टिकट भी नहीं दिया गया है। प्रवक्ता ने बताया कि इन मंत्रियों को अपने अधिकारों के दुरुपयोग और अपने निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों में विकास कार्यों की उपेक्षा के आरोप में हटाया गया है।
राज्य के आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा मंत्री दद्न मिश्रा ने मायावती मंत्रिमंडल से त्यागपत्र दे दिया है। बहुजन समाज पार्टी ने श्री मिश्रा को आगामी विधानसभा चुनाव के लिए टिकट नहीं दिया। वे श्रावस्ती जिले में भिनगा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से विधायक हैं।
उत्तर प्रदेश में सत्तारूढ़ बहुजन समाज पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव और सांसद नरेश अग्रवाल ने राज्यसभा से त्यागपत्र दे दिया है। उन्होंने अपना इस्तीफा सदन के सभापति को भेज दिया है।
श्री अग्रवाल, बहुजन समाज पार्टी के दो विधायकों- अपने बेटे नितिन अग्रवाल और सुश्री राजेश्वरी के साथ आज समाजवादी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए।
बहुजन समाज पार्टी ने श्री अग्रवाल और उनके विधायक बेटे को पार्टी विरोधी गतिविधियों और अनुशासनहीनता के आरोप में पार्टी से निकाल दिया है।  बसपा, दोनों विधायकों को आगामी विधानसभा चुनाव के लिए टिकट देने से पहले ही इंकार कर चुकी है।
उत्तराखंड के निर्दलीय विधायक राजेन्द्र भंडारी को कांगे्रस में शामिल कर लिया गया है। कांगे्रस की विज्ञप्ति के अनुसार पार्टी  अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी ने इस बात की मंजूरी दे दी है।
आकाशवाणी का समाचार सेवा प्रभाग आज अपने साप्ताहिक कार्यक्रम करंट अफेयर्स में न्यू लॉज+ अगेन्स्ट करप्शन ;विषय पर परिचर्चा प्रसारित करेगा।
इसे रात साढ़े नौ बजे से राजधानी, एफ.एम. गोल्ड चैनल तथा अतिरिक्त फ्रीक्वेंसियों पर सुना जा सकता है।
2100 HRS.
30th December, 2011
  • Government says Lokpal Bill not defeated in the Rajya Sabha and  will be taken up in the Budget session of Parliament.
  • Severe Cyclonic storm Thane claims 21 lives in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
  • Compressed Natural Gas,CNG prices hiked by one rupee and seventy five paise per kilogram; hike to be effective from midnight tonight.
  • Sensex falls  89 points, to close at 15,455.
  • World No 1, Novak Djokovic beats Roger Federer to reach the final of World Tennis Championships at Abu Dhabi.
Home Minister P Chidambarm today said that the Lok pal and Lokayukta bill will be taken up in the Budget session of parliament. He was talking to reporters after a meeting of the Group of Ministers on Media, in New Delhi today. He said that the government will talk to parties and the Bill is still safe, not defeated in the Rajya Sabha.
Mr. Chidambaram charged that the BJP was not sincere and wanted to block the passage of the Lokpal Bill,and hence so many amendments were moved by it, adding the bill would see the light of day during the budget session

Byte- Chidambarm
We succeeded in passing the bill in Loksabha they hit upon new device and new strategy by moving 187 amendments and entering to understand some parties to face three amendments from the government, and then they expect the government should sit late and pass the bill as simply not on this will go into the budget session and we will take up the bill in budget session. and we will see that the bill is passed in Rajya Sabha in the budget session .Meanwhile of course, we will talk to the parties to see how any of there concerns can be accommodated.
Responding to the opposition by the Trinomial Congress, to the Lok Pal Bill he conceded that there are differences among UPA allies.  Responding to questions the Information and Broadcasting Minister Mrs. Ambika Soni said that the government came up with a solid bill on Lokpal. However, the opposition simply did not cooperate.  
Byte- Ambika Soni
Proof of the pudding lies in the geetek. They could have had a Lokpal bill if they  have accepted the offer of the parliamentary affairs ministers. They refuse because that would not have solved their purposes.
Meanwhile the ruling Congress and the opposition continued  trading charges on the delay in the passage of Lokpal bill in the Rajya Sabha. Briefing reporters in New Delhi, Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi said that the government had adopted several amendments at the last stage to get the bill passed in the Lok Sabha. 
Byte- Abhishek Manu Singhvi
Even if they were present the premeditated Volta face of the BJP which had supported in writing the constitutional  status and then changed their view could not allow if to be passed that is in real point.
Meanwhile, Leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said that the opposition benches were united on three principle amendments but the government was not willing to listen to them.
Byte-Arun Jaitley
They have prevented the nation from getting a strong lokpal bill. These managers and fixers when the going is good they at their best, but yesterday even they failed. They create disturbance in order to bail themselves out.
CPI(M) has held the government responsible for not letting the bill be passed in the Rajya Sabha. In a press statement issued in the national capital, the party said that it will continue to struggle for a strong and effective Lokpal Bill.
The Government today decided to step up vigil in states bordering Pakistan following inputs that militants from across the border may strike in India. Home Minister P Chidambaram  told reporters in New Delhi that there are inputs that militants from across the border could be planning some action in the country. Mr.Chidambaram said with elections coming up in Punjab, the government has to remain at a high level of alertness in the state.
In Uttar Pradesh the ruling Bahujan Samaj Party National General Secretary and the Rajya Sabha MP Naresh Agarwal today resigned from Rajya Sabha. He has sent his resignation to the Chairman of the house. He along with two BSP MLAs including his MLA son Nitin Agarwal and Rajeshwari joined the Samajwadi Party. The BSP on the other hand expelled Naresh Agarwal and his son due to what it alleged their anti party activities and indiscipline.
Meanwhile, U.P. Minister of State for Ayurvedic Medicine  Daddan Mishra today resigned from the Mayawati government. The Bahujan Samaj Party had denied him a Party ticket for the next Assembly elections. He was elected from Bhinga constituency in Shrawasti district.
In view of the possibility of snowfall in various areas of Uttarakhand during the time of voting on 30th January, the Election Commission of India has made a contingency plan for polling in the snowbound areas of the state.Chief Election Commissioner Dr. SY Qureishi told the media  in Dehradun today that the remote polling booths of the state would be monitored through Webcast, a technique which has already been used during polls in Arunachal Pradesh.
Severe cyclonic storm 'Thane' claimed 21 lives in Tamil Nadu and Pudducherry.  In Tamil Nadu, 14 people were killed whereas in Pudducherry the death toll due to the natural calamity is seven so far. Eleven people were killed in Cuddalore, two in Villupuram and one in Thiruvallur district in Tamil Nadu. 
Thousands of people have been rendered homeless. In Puducherry, seven people including a foreign national was killed following the devastating storm. The Chief Minister Mr. Rangasamy announced a solatium of two lakh rupees each to the families of the deceased. More from AIR correspondent.
Puducherry has plunged into darkness, as power lines got snapped by the ferocity of Thane. Looking at the devastation, Public utilities including electricity, water and transport may take a few days time to be restored. A drive through the city gives a feeling of a war ravaged place. Thousands of uprooted trees, twisted electrical poles, snapped communication cables are a common sight. The Government departments will have to work on a war footing to get the essential services into functional mode. SANJAY GHOSH.AIR NEWS, PUDDUCHERRY.
The Met department informed that the cyclone is now moving towards the interior part of Tamil Nadu and will weaken gradually.  The maximum gale wind speed of 120-140 kmph has been reported  from Pudducherry and Cuddalore observatories of IMD. Under the impact of the very severe cyclonic storm, rain or thundershowers will occur at some places over districts of Odisha during next 24 hours.
Northern India is under the grip of a severe cold wave today with minimum temperature dropping at most places. Air traffic in the capital was disrupted due to dense fog which caused poor visibility. Met office said, cold conditions will prevail in the city. Rajasthan also reeled under severe cold with Churu the coldest place in the desert state.
Punjab also witnessed bone chilling cold with Amritsar recording the lowest temperature of minus 2.1 degree Celsius. Cold wave also sweeping Kashmir valley,  Himachal  Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Indraprastha Gas Limited has increased the price of compressed natural gas (CNG)  by one rupee and 75 paise per Kilogram  in the national capital. The revised price will be effective from midnight tonight. The new consumer price in Delhi will be 33.75 rupees  per kg. In a statement, Indraprastha Gas has said that this follows mainly on account of rupee depreciation against the US dollar.
The revision in prices will  also result in increase by  2 rupee per kg in the price of CNG in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad and the new rate will be 37.90 per kg in these regions. The company sells CNG to automobiles and piped cooking gas to households in Delhi and neighbouring towns.
Falling for the fourth straight session, the Sensex at the Bombay Stock Exchange lost 89 points, or 0.6 percent, to close the last trading session of 2011 at 15,455, today, on continued FII outflows. The Nifty slipped 22 points, or 0.5 percent, to 4,624. But stock markets in Japan, China, and Hong Kong rose between 0.2 percent and 1.2 percent. The rupee fell 3 paise, to 53.10 against the dollar. Gold rose 70 rupees to 27,410 rupees per ten grams in Delhi. Silver surged 1,200 rupees, to 50,300 rupees per kilo. And US crude oil futures gained 3 cents, to 99.68 dollars a barrel, while Brent crude ruled close to 108 dollars a barrel.Pradeep Kumar, AIR News.
The centre has decided to release over 17 lakh tons of sugar for  January next year. It includes over two lakh tons levy sugar.  According to an official press release, this quantity is sufficient to meet the internal demand of sugar for the month. 
The Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied Duties has initiated a probe into alleged dumping of choline chloride from China. After the probe, merits of imposing anti-dumping duty on imports of choline chloride, a chemical used mainly for animal feed, from China will be ascertained. India has initiated 149 anti-dumping cases against China, which account for over half of such actions taken by the country against foreign nations.
World No 1, Novak Djokovic has defeated Roger Federer to reach the final of the World Tennis Championships. In Abu Dhabi today, the Serb displayed his class as he thrashed  the World No.3 Roger Federer, 6-2 6- 1 in  straight sets. Djokovic will be facing the winner of the match between Rafael Nadal vs David Ferrer in the other Semi final.
Amid has rising concern about the dwindling number of tigers worldwide, a village near Agartala has ed a new story on conservation. The People of Madhapur Village near Agartala and adjacent to the Indo-Bangla Border captured a Fishing Cat last month. After the Cat was captured last month, wildlife officials from the Shipaizala Zoo were informed.
The officials after citing the CAT found it to be of Shedule-1, thus extinct and endangered. Since Fishing CAT always stays in pairs, the officials requested the villagers to try to trap the other Fishing CAT so as to save the captured one. The villagers for the last one month, every night, laid a trap and in the  morning today success came. Both the Cat is from leopard family and is in Shipaijala Zoo now.
Over 276 lakh hectare area has been covered under cultivation of Wheat in various parts of the country. According to  data released by the Agriculture Ministry,the cultivation of rice is also picking up and so far over four lakh hectares area has been covered. Pulses have been sown in over 138  lakh hectares.
The News Services Division of All India Radio in its weekly “Current Affairs” programme tonight will bring you a discussion on “New Laws against corruption”. This can be heard on the Rajdhani, FM Gold channels and additional frequencies from 9.30 p.m.

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