
14 March 2011

समाचार News (1) 14.03.2011

मुख्य समाचार :
  • भूकम्पग्रस्त जापान में फुकुशीमा परमाणु संयंत्र में दूसरे रिएक्टर में हाइड्रोजन विस्फोट। अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु उर्जा एजेन्सी ने कहा विकिरण का स्तर सामान्य।
  • लोकसभा और राज्यसभा ने जापान के विनाशकारी भूकम्प पर गहरा शोक व्यक्त किया।
  • उच्चतम न्यायालय ने केन्द्र से ओड़ीशा में महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय गा्रमीण रोजगार गारन्टी अधिनियम योजना की निर्धारित राशि में धांधली की सीबीआई से जांच कराने का  निर्णय जल्दी लेने को कहा।
  • भारतीय नौसेना ने अरब सागर में ६१ समुद्री लुटेरे गिरफ्‌तार किये।
  • बिहार के पूर्वी चम्पारन जिले में एक मुठभेड़ में छह माओवादी ढेर। झारखंड के खूंटी जिले में नक्सलियों और पुलिस के बीच गोलीबारी जारी।
  • मुद्रास्फीति की दर इस वर्ष फरवरी में मामूली वृद्धि के साथ ८ दशमलव तीन-एक प्रतिशत हुई।
  • जापान में आये भूकम्प के बाद एशियाई कारोबार में तेल की कीमत एक डॉलर २८ सेंट घटकर ९९ डॉलर ८८ सेंट प्रति बैरल हुई।
  • क्रिकेट विश्व कप में चटगांव में नीदरलैण्डस ने बंगलादेश के सामने १६१ रन का लक्ष्य रखा। केन्डी में पाकिस्तान के साथ मैच में जिम्बाबवे ने टॉस जीतकर पहले बल्लेबाजी का फैसला किया।
 जापान के भूकंप ग्रस्त फुकुशीमा के एक परमाणु संयंत्र के दूसरे रिएक्टर में आज हाइड्रोजन विस्फोट हुआ। इससे तीन कर्मचारी घायल हो गए और सात लापता हैं। देश के मुख्य केबिनेट सचिव यूकीयो इदानो के हवाले से समाचार एजेंसी क्योदो ने बताया है कि सयंत्र को चलाने वाली तोक्यो इलेक्ट्रिक पावर कंपनी ने इस बात की पुष्टि की है कि तीसरे रिएक्टर के कंटेनर को इस विस्फोट से कोई क्षति नहीं हुई। उन्होंने इस आशंका को गलत बताया कि विस्फोट की वजह से बड़े पैमाने पर रेडियोधर्मिता फैल सकती है। श्री इदानो ने यह भी कहा कि बड़ी मात्रा में रेडियोधर्मी पदार्थ के फैलने की संभावना कम ही है। उन्होंने कहा कि यह विस्फोट शनिवार के रियेक्टर विस्फोट जैसा ही था। इस विस्फोट में कंटेनर वाली इमारत की छत और दीवारें उड़ गईं।
 मुख्य केबिनेट सचिव ने बताया है कि रिएक्टर को ठंडा करने के लिए समुद्र का पानी फेंकने की कार्रवाई जारी है और कंटेनर में दबाव स्थिर है।
 इससे पहले जापान की परमाणु सुरक्षा एजेंसी ने एक अन्य परमाणु केन्द्र ओनागावा में बहुत अधिक परमाणु रेडिएशन की खबर मिलने के बाद वहां आपात स्थिति की घोषणा कर दी।
 हजारों सैनिक और कर्मचारी बड़े पैमाने पर लोगों की खोजबीन और बचावकार्य में जुटे हुए हैं। परमाणु संयंत्र से २० किलोमीटर दूरी के इलाके से एक लाख ८० हजार से अधिक लोगों को निकाल लिया गया है।
 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा एजेंसी ने कहा है कि जापान में भूकम्प से क्षतिग्रस्त फुकुशिमा परमाणु संयंत्र में रेडियोधर्मिता का स्तर सामान्य है। एजेंसी ने आज एक बयान में कहा कि १३ मार्च को १६ घंटे से अधिक समय तक संयंत्र के आसपास चार स्थानों पर मापे गये रेडिएशन के स्तर को सामान्य पाया गया।
 बैंक ऑफ जापान ने कहा है कि देश में भूंकप और सुनामी के बाद अब स्थिरता कायम करने मदद के लिए वह आपात कोष के रूप में एक खरब ८० अरब डॉलर की रिकार्ड राशि जारी कर रहा है। यह राशि आज ही पहले घोषित की गई राशि से दुगुनी से भी ज्यादा है। इसमें से अधिकांश राशि तुरंत दी जाएगी। भूंकंप के बाद पहली बार खुलने पर शेयर बाजार में तेजी से गिरावट आई। निक्केई सूचकांक कारोबार के पहले २० मिनटो में पांच प्रतिशत से ज्यादा गिरा।
 सरकार ने कहा है कि जापान में सभी भारतीय सुरक्षित हैं। संसद के बाहर संवाददाताओं से बातचीत में विदेशमंत्री एस एम कृष्णा ने कहा कि सरकार, जापान सरकार के साथ सम्पर्क में है और प्रभावित लोगों को हरसंभव सहायता और राहत उपलब्ध कराएगी।
 जापान में सुनामी और भंयकर भूकंप से हुए भीषण विनाश पर आज संसद के दोनों सदनों में आज गहरा दुख व्यक्त किया गया। राज्यसभा में सभापति मोहम्मद हामिद अंसारी ने कहा कि वहां हुए व्यापक विनाश से पता चलता है कि मरने वालों की संख्या काफी ज्यादा भी हो सकती है। जापान में बुनियादी सुविधाओं और संपत्ति को भी बहुत भारी नुकसान पहुंचा है। सभापति ने कहा कि यह ऐसी त्रासदी है, जिससे हुई क्षति का अनुमान नहीं लगाया जा सकता। बाद में सदस्यों ने मौन खड़े होकर विनाशकारी भूंकप और सुनामी में मारे गये लोगों के प्रति श्रद्धाजंलि अर्पित की। लोकसभा में अध्यक्ष मीरा कुमार की अगुवाई में सदस्यों ने मौन खडे होकर त्रासदी में शिकार हुए लोगों को श्रद्धाजलि दी।
 भारत ने ऑस्ट्रेलिया के दूत से पिछले सप्ताह सिडनी में २४ वर्षीय भारतीय लड़की के साथ कथित बलात्कार और हत्या के बारे में रिपोर्ट देने को कहा है। संसद भवन के बाहर विदेश मंत्री ने एस.एम.कृष्णा ने कहा कि यह घटना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण थी और सरकार जांच पड़ताल पर निगरानी रखे हुए है। बलात्कार और हत्या के बाद इस भारतीय छात्रा का शव सिडनी में एक नहर के निकट सूटकेस के अंदर पाया गया। पता चला है कि तोशा ठक्कर नामक ये छात्रा सिडनी कॉलेज ऑफ बिजनेस एंड आईटी में पढ़ रही थी और ऑस्ट्रेलिया की स्थायी निवासी थी।
 भारतीय नौसेना ने अरब सागर में ६१ समुद्री लुटेरों को गिरफ्तार किया है। नौसेना के प्रवक्ता ने हमारे संवाददाता को बताया कि १२ मार्च की रात को पश्चिमी तट से करीब छह सौ समुद्री मील की दूरी पर लुटेरों के मुख्य जहाज को बीच में रोक लिया गया। शुरूआती विरोध और गोलीबारी के बाद गश्ती जहाज आईएनएस कलपेनी से भी गोलियां चलाई गई जिससे लुटेरों के जहाज वेगा-पांच में आग लग गई। प्रवक्ता ने बताया है कि अरब सागर में लुटेरों की धरपकड़ की कार्रवाई में तेजी से हाल में नौसेना ने ४३ और लुटेरे गिरफ्तार किये हैं।
 पिछले वर्ष दिसम्बर में अपहृत बंगलादेश का जहाज एम वी जहान मोनी को उसके चालक दल के २६ सदस्य सहित आज सवेरे सोमाली समुद्री लुटेरों के कब्जे से मुक्त करा लिया गया है। जहाज की मालिक ब्रेव रॉयल शिपिंग मेनेजमेंट कंपनी के महाप्रबंधक मेहरूल करीम ने हमारे ढाका संवाददाता को बताया कि आज सवेरे मुक्त कराये गये जहाज के चालक दल के सदस्य सुरक्षित हैं और अब ये जहाज ओमान की तरफ जा रहा है। श्री करीम ने कहा कि जहाज में तैनाती के लिए नया चालक दल पहले ही ओमान में मौजूद है और आज छुडाये गये चालक दल के सदस्यों के कुछ दिनों में ढाका पहुंच जाने की उम्मीद है।
 पाकिस्तान में, कराची में चल रही गोलीबारी की घटनाओं में और छह लोग और मारे गये हैं जिनमें दो राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ता शामिल हैं। इन्हें मिलाकर रविवार सवेरे से शुरू हुई हिंसक घटनाओं में मरने वालों की संख्या १५ हो गई है। गोलीबारी की ये घटनाएं गुलिस्ताने जौहर, सखी हसन चौरंगी, कटी पहाड़ी और ली-मार्किट इलाकों में हुई है। पुलिस के अनुसार कामरांग चौरंगी के पास एक राजनीतिक पार्टी के कार्यकर्ता को गोली मार दी गई है।
 इराक में एक सैनिक अड्डे पर बम विस्फोट में कम से कम आठ सैनिक मारे गये हैं। ये हमला दियाला प्रान्त में बगदाद से करीब ७० किलोमीटर उत्तर पूर्व में कन्नान शहर में हुआ। १२ सैनिक इस हमले में घायल हुए हैं।
 यमन में कल सुरक्षा बलों और विरोध प्रदर्शनकारियों के बीच झड़पों में तीन लोगों की मौत हो गई और सौ से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए। प्रदर्शनकारियों ने साना विश्वविद्यालय चौक पर कब्जा कर रखा है। बहरीन में एक संसदीय ग्रुप ने देश में एक महीने से चल रही झड़पों और सरकार विरोधी प्रदर्शनों के बाद बहरीन के शाह से मार्शल लॉ लागू करने की अपील की है।
 इस बीच, ओमान की समाचार एजेंसी के अनुसार सुल्तान सईद ने देश के बुनियादी कानून में संशोधन का मसौदा तैयार करने के लिए विशेषज्ञ समिति गठिन करने का भी आदेश जारी किया है।
 लीबिया में विद्रोहियों का कहना है कि वे कर्नल गद्दाफी के प्रति वफादार सैनिकों को पछाड़ते हुए फिर से ब्रेगा शहर में प्रवेश कर गए हैं। इससे पहले विद्रोहियों पर भारी बमबारी की गई थी और उन्हें पीछे हटना पड़ा था। इस बीच, फ्रांस ने कहा है कि वह लीबिया में उड़ान वर्जित क्षेत्र घोषित किए जाने के लिए राजनयिक प्रयास तेज करना चाहता है।

यहां यमन और बहरीन में सरकार विरोधी प्रदर्शन जारी है। वही ओमान में शासक ने अपने कुछ कानूनी अधिकार राजपरिवार से बाहर दो समितियों को सौंपने का निर्णय लिया है। इसे राजनीतिक विशलेषकों ने एतिहासिक करार दिया है।  यमन में प्रदर्शनकारी एक महीने से अधिक समय से राष्ट्रपति सालेह के पद छोड़ने की मांग को लेकर सड़कों पर है। सालेह पिछले ३२ सालों से अधिक समय से यमन में सता में है। उधर, बहरीन में प्रदर्शनकारी अपनी मांगों को लेकर विभाजित दिखायी देते है, जहां आधिकारिक विपक्षी पाटियां सवैधानिक राजतंत्र की मांग कर रही है, वहीं युवा प्रदर्शनकारी पूर्व लोकतंत्र की मांग करते हुए राजतंत्र के खातमे पर अड़े हुये है।
 चंडीगढ में, भू-माफिया को जमीन एलाट करने में संसदीय कार्यमंत्री पवन कुमार बंसल के कथित रूप से शामिल होने के बारे में चर्चा की मांग करते हुए आज विपक्ष ने संसद के दोनों सदनों की कार्रवाई में बाधा पहुंचाई। इस कारण दोनों सदनों की कार्रवाई दिन में दो बजे तक के लिए स्थगित करनी पड़ी। राज्यसभा में दो बजे कार्रवाई फिर शुरू होने पर भी शोर-शराबा जारी रहने पर दिन में तीन बजे तक के लिए कार्रवाई स्थगित कर दी गई। सदन में सवेरे भाजपा सदस्य एस एस अहलुवालिया और उनके पार्टी सहयोगियों ने मुद्दा उठाया और ये लोग तुरंत मामले की चर्चा पर मांग करते हुए सदन के बीचोंबीच जा पहुंचे।
 लोकसभा में सवेरे कार्रवाई शुरू होते ही विपक्ष की नेता श्रीमती सुषमा स्वराज ने चंडीगढ में भू-माफिया को श्री बंसल के कथित संरक्षण के बारे में अखबारों में छपी खबरों पर ध्यान दिलाया।  संसदीय कार्यमंत्री ने इन आरोपों का खंडन करते हुए कहा था कि उन्होंने कोई गलत काम नहीं किया है और वे मामले की सीबीआई जांच के लिए तैयार हैं। जब विपक्ष की नेता ने स्पष्टीकरण मांगा तो समाजवादी पार्टी के सदस्य सदन के बीचोबीच चले गये जिससे समाजवादी और भाजपा सदस्यो के बीच तीखी नोंझोंक हुई। शोर शराबे के बीच सदन की कार्रवाई दिन में दो बजे तक के लिए स्थगित करनी पड़ी।  सदन की कार्रवाई दो बजे  फिर शुरू हुई लेकिन शोर शराबा जारी रहने के कारण इसे तीन बजे तक के लिए स्थगित कर दिया गया है।
 भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने मांग की है कि संसदीय कार्यमंत्री पवन कुमार बंसल को नैतिक आधार पर तुरंत इस्तीफा दे देना चाहिए। संसद के बाहर पत्रकारों से बातचीत में भाजपा सांसद नवजोत सिंह सिद्धु ने उस रिपोर्ट की चर्चा की जिसमें श्री बंसल के चंडीगढ के भू- माफिया के साथ संबंध बताये गये हैं। श्री सिद्धु ने कहा कि यह रिपोर्ट पंजाब के राज्यपाल द्वारा नियुक्त समिति ने तैयार की है और इसकी सीबीआई जांच होनी चाहिए।

समिति की रिपोर्ट जो आई है, वो इतनी सनसनीखेज है। उसमें यह कहा है घोटाला भरपूर है और उस घोटाले के संरगना उनके पीछे हाथ जो है वो वहां मंत्री श्री पवन कुमार बंसल का है। ये रिपोर्ट हमारी नहीं है, युनियन गवर्नमेंट की है। तथ्यों के अनुसार ये मामला सीबीआई को सौंपा जाना चाहिये।
 आरोपो का खंडन करते हुए कांग्रेस नेता जगदम्बिका पोल ने कहा है कि भारतीय जनता पार्टी निराधार आरोप लगाकर कार्रवाई में बाधा डाल रही है। श्री पाल ने कहा कि भाजपा को पहले कर्नाटक के मुख्यमंत्री बी एस येदियुरप्पा के मामले में नैतिक दृष्टिकोण अपनाना चाहिए।
 उच्चतम न्यायालय ने ओड़िशा में महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय रोजगार गारंटी योजना के लिए निर्धारित राशि में कथित धांधली पर चिन्ता व्यक्त की है और केन्द्र से मामले की सीबीआई से जांच के बारे में जल्दी फैसला करने को कहा है। प्रधान न्यायाधीश एस एच कापड़िया की अध्यक्षता वाली पीठ ने स्पष्ट किया कि अगर केन्द्र ने चार हफ्‌ते के अन्दर इस बारे में फैसला नहीं लिया, तो न्यायालय इसमें हस्तक्षेप करेगा। अतिरिक्त महाधिवक्ता इंदिरा जयसिंह ने पीठ को बताया कि सरकार जांच के लिए सीबीआई से सम्पर्क करने पर विचार कर रही है। पीठ ने कहा कि प्राप्त रिपोर्टो से पता चलता है कि ओड़िशा के कुछ जिलों में इस योजना के लिए आवंटित राशि में ८८ प्रतिशत की बढ़ी धांधली हुई है।
 न्यायालय ने गैर सरकारी संगठन सैन्टर फॉर एनवायमेन्ट एण्ड फूड सिक्योरिटी द्वारा २००७ में दायर जनहित याचिका पर सुनवाई के दौरान ये निर्देश दिये। इस याचिका में महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी कानून के तहत गांवों में रोजगार देने के कार्यक्रम के क्रियान्वयन में बड़े स्तर पर भ्रष्टाचार का आरोप लगाया गया है।
 तिरूअनन्तपुरम में सतर्कता अदालत ने आज अभियोजन पक्ष की पामोलीन आयात रिश्वत मामले की आगे जांच करने संबंधी याचिका मंजूर कर ली। इस मामले में पी० जे० थॉमस भी अभियुक्त हैं जिनकी केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयुक्त के रूप में नियुक्ति को उच्चतम न्यायालय ने रद्द कर दिया है। इस महीने के शुरू में दायर याचिका में अभियोजन पक्ष ने यह दलील रखते हुए मामले की आगे जांच के लिए अदालत की अनुमति मांगी थी कि मामले में कुछ और लोग अभियुक्त बन सकते हैं।
 विपक्ष के नेता ओमान चांडी ने १९९२ में उस समय पामोलीन आयात सौदे को मंजूरी दी थी जब वे स्वर्गीय के० करूणानिधि के नेतृत्व वाले यूडीएफ मंत्रिमंडल में वित्तमंत्री थे।
 यह मामला मलेशिया से बहुत ऊंचे दामों पर पामोलीन के आयात में हुए कथित भ्रष्टाचार के बारे में है, जिससे १९९१-९२ में सरकार को दो करोड़ ३२ लाख रुपये का नुकसान हुआ था।
 आरूषि तलवार के पिता राजेश तलवार पर हमला करने वाले युवक उत्सव शर्मा को आज इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय ने कुछ शर्तो के साथ जमानत दे दी। न्यायालय ने आदेश दिया कि उत्सव शर्मा वाराणसी के मुख्य न्यायिक मजिस्ट्रेट की अनुमति के बिना वाराणसी से बाहर नहीं जा सकेगा। उत्सव, वाराणसी का निवासी है और उसने इस वर्ष २५ जनवरी को सीबीआई अदालत के बाहर राजेश तलवार पर हमला किया था।
 उच्चतम न्यायालय ने दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय के उस आदेश पर रोक लगाने से इंकार किया है जिसमें कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता नारायण दत्त तिवारी से पितृत्व मामले में डीएनए टेस्ट देने को कहा गया है। लेकिन न्यायमूर्ति आफताब आलम और न्यायमूर्ति आर एम लोधा की पीठ ने यह स्पष्ट किया कि डीएनए टेस्ट के नतीजों को तब तक सार्वजनिक नहीं किया जाएगा जब तक कि श्री तिवारी के खिलाफ पितृत्व मामले पर फैसला देने के लिए अदालत को इसकी जरूरत नहीं होगी।
 बिहार में पूर्वी चंपारण जिले में सुरक्षा बलों से मुठभेड़ में छह माओवादी मारे गए। पुलिस महानिदेशक ने आकाशवाणी को बताया कि मुठभेड़ कल शुरू हुई। रोहतास और पूर्वी चंपारण जिलों में माओवादियों के धरपकड़ के लिए तलाशी अभियान चलाया जा रहा है।

मोतीहारी और रोहताश में नक्सलविरोधी कार्रवाई को बड़ी सफलता के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। मोतीहारी में पुलिस और नक्सलियों के बीच रातभर रूक-रूककर गोलीबारी होती रही। तीन महिलाओं समेत दस माओवादियों को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। मुठभेड़ के दौरात सीएसएफ का एक जवान भी घायल हो गया, जिसे स्थानीय अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है। घटनास्थल से पांच एसएलआर और आठ पुलिस राइफल्स समेत भारी मात्रा में गोली बरामद हुआ है। रोहताश के जंगलों में मुठभेड़ के दौरान तीन माओवादियों को गिरफ्तार किया गया है। आकाशवाणी समाचार के लिए पटना से कृष्ण कुमार लाल।
 झारखण्ड के खूंटी जिले में अरकी थाने के तहत वन क्षेत्र में नक्सलवादियों और पुलिस के बीच जबर्दस्त गोलीबारी जारी है। पुलिस और सुरक्षाबलों के छह दलों ने नक्सलवादियों को घेर लिया है। इस कार्रवाई में जगुआर की दो कंपनियां भी भाग ले रही हैं। पुलिस ने वहां से कई विस्फोटक बरामद किये हैं। अभी तक किसी के हताहत होने की खबर नहीं है।
 छत्तीसगढ़ के दंतेवाड़ा जिले में नक्सलवादियों के साथ मुठभेड़ में जिला पुलिस बल के कम से कम दो जवान शहीद हो गये। पुलिस सूत्रों के अनुसार चिन्तलनार थाना क्षेत्र में सीतलागुड़ा के निकट ये मुठभेड़ हुई। घायल जवानों को दंतेवाड़ा के जिला अस्पताल में दाखिल कराया गया है।
 असम में अगले महीने की ४ और ११ तारीख को होने वाले विधानसभा चुनावों के लिए अधिकतर राजनीतिक दलों ने अपने उम्मीदवारों की सूचियां घोषित कर दी हैं। चुनाव के पहले चरण के लिए इस महीने की १७ तारीख तक नामांकन पत्र भरे जाएंगे। हमारे संवाददाता ने बताया है कि अब तक असम गण परिषद के एक उम्मीदवार ने अपने पर्चे दाखिल किये हैं।

 असम के लगभग सभी राजनीतिक दलों ने अपने उम्मीदवारों के नामों की घोषणा करने के बाद नामांकन भरने की प्रक्रिया आज से तेज होने की उम्मीद है। सत्तारूढ कांग्रेस आज दूसरी लिस्ट में आठ और एआईईजीएफ के पांच उम्मीदवारों के नामों की भी घोषणा करेंगे। इधर चुनाव में सुरक्षा के मद्देनजर चार सौ अतिरिक्त सुरक्षाबल तीन हिस्सों में असम भेजे जाएंगे। हिस्से से अभी तक सौ सुरक्षाबल राज्य में तैनात किये गये है। चुनाव आयोग द्वारा २० खर्च प्रेक्षक और कुछ सामान्य प्रेक्षक असम अभी तक पहुंच गये है।
 पुडुचेरी में विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलों के नेता अपने सहयोगियों के साथ सीटों के बटवारे और गठबंधन के काम में लगे हैं। सत्तारूढ़ कांग्रेस पार्टी में पड़ोसी राज्य तमिलनाडु जैसा की गठबंधन रहने की उम्मीद है। हालांकि कांग्रेस गठबंधन मोटे तौर पर तय हो चुका है, लेकिन आने वाले दिनों में सीटों के बंटवारे का मामला जोर पकड़ सकता है। कांगे्रेस वाले गठबंधन में डीएमके, पीएमके और वीसीके रहेंगे।
 उधर, विपक्षी अन्ना डीएमके का पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री एन० रंगास्वामी के साथ गठबंधन होने की उम्मीद हैं जिन्होंन आल इंडिया एन आर कांग्रेस के नाम से नई पार्टी बनाई है।
 पुडुचेरी विधानसभा की तीस सीटों के लिए तेरह अपै्रल को मतदान होगा। इस बीच, मुख्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त एस वाई कुरैशी के नेत्‌त्व में पूर्ण आयोग कल पुडुचेरी मे विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलों के प्रतिनिधियों से मिलेगा।
 राजस्थान सरकार राज्य में सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली के जरिए पौष्टिक आटा उपलब्ध कराने पर विचार कर रही है। मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने विधानसभा में आज यह सूचना दी। उन्होंने कहा कि आटे में फॉलिक एसिड, विटामिन-बी१२ और लौह तत्व मिलाया जाएगा। उन्होंने बताया कि ऐसे आटे की गुणवत्ता का, मान्यता प्राप्त निजी प्रयोगशालाओं में परीक्षण किया जाएगा।
 उत्तराखण्ड विधानसभा का बजट सत्र आज शोर-शराबे के बीच शुरू हुआ। राज्यपाल मार्गेट अल्वा ने जैसे ही अपना अभिभाषण शुरू किया। विपक्षी कांग्रेस के सदस्य सरकार के खिलाफ नारे लगाने लगे। टिहरी से कांग्रेस के विधायक किशोर उपाध्याय, पार्टी के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ सदन के बीचोंबीच आ गये और धरने पर बैठ गये।
 कर्नाटक विधानसभा में आज कांग्रेस और जनता दल दोनों ने ही मुख्यमंत्री बी एस येदियुरप्पा के बेटों द्वारा चलाए जा रहे शैक्षिक न्यास के बारे में एक काम रोको प्रस्ताव पेश किया। प्रस्ताव पेश करते हुए विपक्ष के नेता सिद्धरामैया ने आरोप लगाया कि श्री येदियुरप्पा के बेटों और अन्य व्यक्तियों द्वारा चलाये जा रहे प्रेरणा एजुकेशनल एंड सोशल ट्रस्ट को उन कंपनियों से पैसा मिला है जिन्हें सरकार ने लाभ पहुंचाया है। जवाब में मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि वे प्रेरणा ट्रस्ट के बारे में ही नहीं बल्कि राज्य में राजनीतिज्ञों द्वारा चलाए जा रहे सभी न्यासों के बारे में सदन में बहस के लिए तैयार हैं। उन्होंने इस बात पर भी सहमति जाहिर की कि उनके बेटों द्वारा चलाए जा रहे प्रेरणा ट्रस्ट के कई स्कूल और इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज हैं लेकिन ट्रस्ट ने दान में जो राशि प्राप्त की है उसमें से एक भी पैसे का दुरूपयोग नहीं किया गया है। श्री येदियुरप्पा ने कहा कि वे सीबीआई को छोड़कर किसी भी जांच एजेंसी से जांच कराने के लिए तैयार हैं।
 मुद्रास्फीति की दर में इस वर्ष फरवरी में मामूली वृद्धि हुई और ये आठ दशमलव तीन एक प्रतिशत हो गई। इससे पहले के महीने में ये दर आठ दशमलव दो तीन प्रतिशत थी।
 मुद्रास्फीति में ये वृद्धि मुख्य रूप से दूध, खाने के तेलों, सब्जियों और फलों के दाम बढ़ने के कारण हुई। इसके अलावा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय बाजार में खनिज तेल की कीमतें बढ़ने से ईंधन के दामों में भी वृद्धि हुई।
 खाद्य पदार्थो की मुद्रास्फीति समूची मूल्य सूचकांक मुद्रास्फीति का १४ प्रतिशत होती हैं। फरवरी में खाद्य पदार्थो की दर दस दशमलव छह पांच प्रतिशत थी।
 बंबई शेयर बाजार का संवेदी सूचकांक आज शुरूआती कारोबार में ७६ अंक की वृद्धि के साथ खुला। अब से कुछ देर पहले यह २४० अंक बढ़ कर १८ हजार ४१४ पर था। नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सेंज का निफ्टी भी ८५ अंक बढ़कर ५ हजार ५४५ था।
 रूपया आज डॉलर के मुकाबले सुबह के कारोबार में पांच पैसे मजबूत हुआ। अन्तर बैंक विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार में इसकी कीमत ४५ रूपये १९ पैसे प्रति डॉलर बोली गई।
 एशियाई कारोबार में तेल की कीमत में आज गिरावट आई। न्यूयॉर्क के अप्रैल की आपूर्ति वाले लाइट स्वीट तेल के दाम एक डॉलर २८ सैंट कम होकर ९९ डॉलर ८८ सैंट प्रति बैरल हो गये। ब्रेंट नॉर्थ सी तेल की कीमत में एक डॉलर ३९ सैंट की कमी हुई और यह ११२ डॉलर ४५ सैंट प्रति बैरल हो गई।
 क्रिकेट विश्वकप के ग्रुप-बी में, चटगांव में, मेजबान बंगलादेश ने ताजा सामचार मिलने तक २५ ओवर में २ विकेट पर १०४ रन बना लिए थे। इससे पहले टॉस जीतकर पहले बल्लेबाजी करते हुए नीदरलैंड्स की पूरी टीम ४६ ओवर और २ गेंदों में १६० रन पर आउट हो गई और बंगलादेश को जीत के लिए १६१ रन का लक्ष्य दिया।  नीदरलैंड्स की तरफ से रेयान डुशकाटे ने सबसे ज्यादा ५३ रन बनाए। वहीं बंगलादेश की ओर से अब्दुर रज्जाक ने ३ खिलाड़ियों को आउट किया।
 एक अन्य मैच में, ग्रपु-ए में पाकिस्तान का सामना श्रीलंका के कैंडी में जिम्बाब्वे से हो रहा है।  ताजा समाचार मिलने तक जिम्बाब्वे ने टॉस जीतकर पहले बल्लेबाजी करते हुए .तीसरे ओवर २ विकेट के नुकसान पर आठ रन बना लिए थे।
 पहले झारखंड ट्वेंटी-ट्वेंटी क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता रांची में शुरू हो गई है। मुख्यमंत्री अर्जुन मुंडा ने प्रतियोगिता का कल उद्घाटन किया। पहले मैच में जमशेदपुर जांबाज ने धनबाद डायमंड्स को ३५ रन से हरा दिया।  प्रतियोगिता में कुल पांच टीमें हिस्सा ले रही हैं।
 आकाशवाणी के समाचार सेवा प्रभाग का आज प्रसारित होने वाले कार्यक्रम ÷पब्लिक स्पीक' का विषय हैः असाध्य रोगियों के लिए दया मृत्यु का मुद्दा। यह कार्यक्रम एफ एम गोल्ड पर रात साढ़े नौ बजे से प्रसारित किया जायेगा। श्रोता टेलीफोन नम्बर : ०११-२ ३ ३ १ ४ ४ ४ ४  पर सवाल पूछ सकते हैं।

  • Hydrogen explosion occurs in the second reactor at Fukushima nuclear plant in earth quake hit Japan; IAEA says, radiation levels normal.
  • Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha express deep sorrow over the widespread devastation in Japan.
  • Supreme Court asks Centre to quickly decide on a CBI probe into the misappropriation of funds meant for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act scheme in Orissa.
  • Indian Navy arrests 61 pirates in the Arabian sea.
  • In Bihar, six Maoists killed in an encounter in East Champaran district; Gun battle on between naxals and police in Khunti district of Jharkhand.
  • Inflation rises marginally to 8.31 per cent in February.
  • Oil prices fall 28 cents dollars in Asian trade to 88 cents dollar per barrel due to  demand disruptions  following earthquakes in Japan.
  • and in icc world cup cricket
  • The Netherlands set a victory target of 161 for Bangladesh at Chittagong; Pakistan take on Zimbabwe in a day-night clash at Kandy in Srilanka a shortwhile from now.
A hydrogen explosion occurred today at the quake-hit Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant's second reactor. It left three workers injured and seven missing. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano was quoted by the Kyodo news agency as saying that the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. confirmed that the blast did not damage the container of the No. 3 reactor and allayed fears that the blast may have caused a massive release of radioactive substance. Other media reports said that the explosion was heard from 40 kilometers away.  Official sources said, operations to pour sea water into the reactor to cool it down were continuing and the level of pressure in the container was stable.
 Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said wind was not blowing in the area and the radiation level had not significantly. The radiation at the plant's premises today rose over the benchmark limit of 500 micro sievert per hour at two locations.  The hourly amounts are more than half the 1,000 microsievert to which people are usually exposed in one year. Seawater was being poured into the plant's 1 and 3 reactors to help cool their cores, which are believed to have partially melted after part of the fuel rods were no longer covered by coolant water when levels fell following the quake. Japan's nuclear agency had earlier declared a state of emergency at another nuclear facility at Onagawa after excessive nuclear radiations were reported there. Thousands of military personnel and civilians joined hands in a massive search and rescue operation.
 Over 1 lakh 80 thousand people have been evacuated from a 20 km radius from the nuke plant joining over 3.5 lakhs who have already moved out. The International Atomic Energy Agency is helping the Japanese authorities and monitoring the situation.
UN atomic watchdog IAEA said today,  Radiation levels at the quake-damaged Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan,  are normal.  The International Atomic Energy Agency said in a statement that radiation dose rate measurements observed at four locations around the plant's perimeter over a 16-hour period on March 13  are all normal.
Both the Houses of Parliament today expressed deep sorrow over the widespread devastation caused by Tsunami and the massive earthquake in Japan. Making a reference in the Rajya Sabha, Chairman Mohammed Hamid Ansari said the extent of destruction suggests that the death toll may be significantly higher. A large-scale destruction of infrastructure and property has taken place in Japan. The Chairman said it is a tragedy of incalculable magnitude. Later, members stood in silence as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives in the catastrophe.
In the Lok Sabha, Speaker Meira Kumar made a reference to the tragedy. Members observed silence to pay homage to the victims.
The Government says that all Indians in Japan are safe. Talking to reporters outside Parliament, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said that the Indian Government is in touch with Tokyo and will provide all suitable help and relief to the affected people.
The opposition today disrupted the proceedings in both Houses of Parliament demanding a discussion on the alleged involvement of Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal in the allotment of land issue in Chandigarh till 2 pm. The Lok Sabha was adjourned till 2 pm after the Parliamentary affairs minister dismissed the allegations in the land allotment issue saying he has done no wrong. He also said that he is open for a CBI inquiry into the issue. When the leader of the opposition wanted a clarification, the Samajwadi members trooped into the well leading to heated exchanges between SP and BJP members. This led to the adjournment of the House as nothing could be heard in the din. Earlier, the Lok Sabha was adjourned for an hour till noon. The Rajya Sabha was adjourned twice, first for 30 minutes and then till 2 PM on the same issue. As the House met for the day, the issue was raised by BJP member, Mr. S S Ahluwalia and his party colleagues, who rushed to the well of the House seeking an immediate discussion on the matter.
The BJP today demanded Parliamentary affairs minister Pawan Kumar Bansal should resign immediately on moral grounds. Talking to reporters outside Parliament, BJP MP Navjot Singh Sidhu referred to a report where Mr Bansal's involvement with land mafias in Chandigarh was mentioned . Mr Siddhu said the report which was prepared by Punjab Governor appointed committee calls for a CBI inquiry into the issue.
 Refuting the allegations, Congress leader Jagdambika Pal said BJP is disrupting the proceedings by making baseless charges. Mr Pal said BJP should first take a moral view on Karnataka chief minister B S Yeddyurappa.
 New Delhi has asked the Australian Ambassador to submit a report on the alleged rape and murder of a 24 year old Indian girl in Sydney last week. Talking to reporters outside Parliament, External Affairs Minister said that the incident was unfortunate and the government is following the investigation.
A 24-year-old Indian student had been found raped and murdered after her body was located stuffed inside a suitcase near a canal in Sydney last week. The victim identified as Indian student Tosha Thakkar was studying at the Sydney College of Business and IT and was a permanent resident of Australia.
The Supreme Court today voicing concern over alleged misappropriation of funds meant for the Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act scheme in Odisha and asked the Centre to expeditiously decide on a CBI probe into the matter. A bench headed by Chief Justice S H Kapadia made it clear that if the Centre fails to take a decision within four weeks, the court would step in. The Bench was  informed by Additional Solicitor General Indira Jaising that the government is considering to approach the CBI for conducting the probe.  The bench said the reports show that there is massive misappropriation of funds to the tune of 88 per cent in some districts of Orissa.
The Supreme Court today refused to stay the Delhi High Court order asking veteran Congress leader N D Tiwari to undergo DNA test in a paternity case.A bench comprising justices Aftab Alam and R M Lodha, however made it clear that the findings of the test would not be made public until and unless it is required by the court to decide the paternity suit against Tiwari.  The bench said the report would be kept in a sealed envelope and directed the 85-year-old leader to suggest by Friday the procedure preferred by him to undergo the DNA test.
Utsav Sharma, the man who attacked Rajesh Talwar, father of murdered Arushi Talwar got conditional bail from Allahabad High Court today. While granting bail the High Court has ordered that he will not allow going outside of Varanasi without prior permission of Chief Judicial Magistrate of Varanasi. Utsav is a resident of Varanasi and he attacked accused Rajesh Talwar on 25th of January this year outside CBI Court. After the attack he was arrested and lodged in dasna jail of Ghaziabad.  Utsav Sharma had also earlier attacked former DGP of Haryana SPS Rathore.
 In Assam, most of the political parties have declared the list of candidates for the ensuing Assembly election scheduled to be held on 4th and 11th of next month. The last date for filing of nominations for the first phase has been fixed on 17th of this month.
With finalization of nominees by most of the political parties, the nomination filing process for the first phase of polls likely to pick up from today. The ruling Congress party already declared list of 118 candidates. It likely to declare list of another 8 candidates this afternoon. The AIUDF also likely to announce 5 more candidates today. In the meantime,20 Expenditure and a few General Observer appointed by Election Commission have reached Assam today.
Meanwhile,400 additional companies of paramilitary forces would be deployed to ensure violence free election in the state.So far 100 companies have already reached and the rest would be deployed in 3 phases.
The budget session of the Uttarakhand Assembly began today with uproarious scenes.  As soon as Governor of the State, Mrs. Margaret Alva started her address,  opposition members of the Congress raised slogans against the government.  Meanwhile, Congress MLA from Tehri Kishore Upadhaya came in the well along with party members and sat on dharna.
In Puducherry, leaders of various political parties are continuing informal talks to finalize seat sharing among allies and work out alliances. The Ruling congress party in the union territory is likely to have the same alliance as in the neighboring Tamil Nadu. Though the broad contours of the Congress alliance have been more or finalized, talks on seat sharing is likely to gain momentum in the next couple of days.
The Vigilance Court in Thiruvananthapuram today allowed a plea from the prosecution to further probe the palmolein import graft case.  P J Thomas, whose appointment as Central Vigilance Commissioner was struck down by the Supreme Court, is an accused in the case.  The prosecution in a petition filed earlier this month had sought the court's direction for further probe into the case, contending that some more persons were likely to become accused.
 Opposition leader Oommen Chandy, who was Finance Minister in the UDF ministry headed by late K Karunakaran, had cleared the palmolein import deal in 1992.
Sixty one pirates have been arrested by the Indian Navy in the Arabian sea. Spokesman of the Navy told our correspondent that it intercepted a pirate mother ship 600 nautical miles off the country's west coast on the night of the 12th March. After initial resistance and firing INS Kalpeni which was on anti-piracy patrol responded with limited firing which resulted in break out of fire in the vessel Vega 5. The spokesman said that with the intensification of anti-piracy in the Arabian sea another 43 pirates have been arrested by the Indian Navy in other operations. The spokesman added that this reflects India's determination to strengthen safety of merchant shipping in the International sea lanes in the Arabian sea. AIR correspondent adds that it also demonstrates that India is taking due precaution to the international humanitarian law even while dealing with hardened pirates.
 A Bangladeshi ship M V Jahan Moni along with 26 crew members which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the month of December last year has been released today morning. Mr. Meherul Karim, General Manager of the Brave Royal Shipping Management company, which owns the ship told All India Radio Correspondent In Dhaka that the ship was released today morning and all the crew members are safe.
 In Bihar, six Maoists were killed and one security personnel was injured in an encounter in East Champaran district of the State.  Ten Maoists including three women naxals were arrested.
In another encounter in Rohtas district, three Maoists were arrested.
Director General of Police said in Patna that the encounter broke out yesterday as jawans of CRPF, SAP and STF encircled the hide-out of the Maoists in Darmaha village.        
In the second encounter, three Maoists were arrested from Kakudih locality in Kaimur hills in Rohtas after a three-hour gunfight. AIR Patna correspondent reports, combing operations are continuing in Rohtas and East Champaran districts to nab the Maoists.
Anti-naxal operations in Motihari and Rohtash districts of the state are seen as a major success of police. In Motihari fierce gunbattle between Maoists and security forces continued throughout the night. In this gunbattle six Maoists were killed instantly and a jawan was injured. Ten naxals including three women were also arrested during this encounter. A huge cache of arms and ammunitions were recovered at the cite.Five SLR and 8police rifles were recovered from the possession of the Maoists.Three Maoists were arrested in forest areas of the Rohtash. An intensive combing operaion is on to nab more Maoists.
 In Chhattisgarh, at least two jawans belonging to the District Police Force  were injured in an encounter with the Naxalites today in the Dantewada district.  According to police sources, the encounter took place near Sitlaguda under the Chintalnar Police Station area.
 A fierce gun battle is going on between  naxals and the police in a forest area under Arki police station in Khunti district of Jharkhand. Six teams of police and security forces have surrounded the naxals. Two companies of Jaguar are also taking part in the operation. Police has recovered many IED explosives. There is no report of injury or casualty from either side yet.
  Inflation rose marginally to 8.31 per cent for the month ended February from 8.23 per cent in the previous month.  The rise in inflation was mainly on account of higher milk, edible oil, vegetable and fruit prices. In addition, high fuel prices on account of soaring international crude oil rates also contributed to inflation.   Food inflation, which accounts for over 14 per cent of overall wholesale price index (WPI) inflation, stood at 10.65 per cent in February.
 Oil price fell in Asian trade today. New York's main contract, light sweet crude for delivery in April, dipped 28 cents 99 dollar 88 cents per dollar barrel. Brent North Sea crude for April delivery lost dollars 39 cents to 112 dollars and 45cents. Analysts say, there might be some demand disruptions due to the Japanese earthquake, but there will be an increase in fuel oil imports due to the lost nuclear power capacity, which will be supportive of fuel oil prices in the near term.
 Crude futures fell immediately last week in reaction to Friday's massive earthquake off Japan, unleashing a tsunami that battered the country's northeast coast and stretched across the Pacific.
 The Bank of Japan says it is pumping a record hundred and eighty billion dollars of emergency funds into the country's financial system to try to provide stability following the earthquake and tsunami.  The figure is more than double the amount first announced by the Bank earlier today.  Most of the money will be made available immediately.  Stock markets fell sharply when they reopened first time since the quake.  The Nikkei share index fell by more than five per cent in the first twenty minutes of trading.
The Sensex at the Bombay Stock Exchange opened 76 points higher in opening trade today on emergence of buying in fundamentally strong shares at lower levels. It later gained further points and was trading at 18316 up by 142 points a short while ago. In a similar fashion, the wide-based National Stock Exchange Nifty index rose by 22 points, or 0.41 per cent in the opening trade.
The rupee strengthened by 5 paise to 45 rupees19 paise per dollar at the Interbank Foreign Exchange today. The Indian currency was supported by a higher opening in the stock market and dollar weakness against other currency rivals.
In the ongoing Cricket World Cup, the Netherlands were all out for 160 in 46.2 overs at Chittagong in their pool 'B' game against Bangladesh.  In reply Banladesh were 77 for 1 wicket after17 overs when reports last came in. In the other match today, Pakistan meets Zimbabwe at Kandy in a short while from now. AIR correspondent adds that after 31 matches in the group league, the teams likely to enter the quarterfinals of the Championship seem easy to predict. However, a late turn-around by the dark horses may upset any team too confident of moving into the next round.
A rejuvenated fight back by Kenya against Australia, didn't only highlight the hidden talent in a side not exposed adequately to frequent competitions, but amply underlined the fact again, that of all other competitions, impossible is nothing in a game of cricket. When the bottom dwellers in the group so far took field against the World Champions last night, it was clearly an encounter of absolute unequals where everyone except the too optimistic expected a one sided white-wash not lasting beyond a couple of hours. But a superior bowling display by the so called minnows, that dismissed the likes of Haddin, Hussey, Watson and Ponting surprised at first, and then the rank outsiders squeezing out  260 odd runs from Brett Lee, Shaun Tait, Krejza and Johnson, not to speak of an unbeaten 98 by an unknown Obuya, reaffirmed once again that Kenya has travelled a greater distance than just between the continents. Considering that Bangladesh and England are precariously placed with must win games and expecting the other teams in the group to do too badly for a berth in the next round; and  supposing  in the other group, Zimbabwe wins both their remaining matches and Pakistan lose their both, the net run rate may see either of the teams moving into the next round leaving bad memories with the ignominy of an early exit with the so called minnows along side.
In the match of the day, Pakistan is meeting Zimbabwe at Kandy in a day night group 'A' fixture where Zimbabwe have won the toss and have elected to bat first.
 The News Services Division of All India Radio in its weekly phone-in programme “Public Speak” today will bring you a discussion on “Issue of Euthanasia for terminally ill patients”. It can be heard on FM Gold Channel from 9.30 p.m. Listeners can ask questions to the experts sitting in our studios on telephone number: 2331-4444. This programme is also available on Doordarshan DTH.
The President today opened an exhibition of innovations in Rashtrapati Bhawan complex. Altogether 32 innovations are on display in the three-day exhibition. The exhibits mainly focus on innovations from the north-eastern states.
 In Yemen, three people were killed and more than one hundred injured in clashes between security forces and protesters yesterday. The clashes started when police and loyalists of the ruling General People's Congress party attacked protesters occupying Sanaa's University Square calling for the Yemeni president to step down. The United States has expressed deep concern over escalating violence in Yemen.
 While anti government protests continue in Yemen and Bahrain, the ruler of Oman has decided to shift some lawmaking powers to officials outside the royal family, which is described by analysts- a historic change.  Yemeni protestors are calling for the ouster of their president who is in power for more than 32 years. In Bahrain, opposition seems divided, as official opposition parties in the country are demanding the political reforms including constitutional monarchy while young protestors are pressing for a democratic government and abolition of monarchy from the country.
 The famous lathmaar holi of Barsana in Mathura is being played today with religious fervor and fun .According to reports a large number of people including foreign tourist are assembled at Barsana to be part of the famous and Unique Holi with sticks The main attraction is Radharani temple where the lathmaar holi will be played from afternoon to evening.

Kartar Singh Sarabha

Kartar Singh Sarabha
Date of Birth : 1896
Date of Death : Nov 16, 1915
Place of Birth : Sarabha
Revolutionary Kartar Singh, the great devotee of Bellona, the goddess of war, was only twenty years old when he sacrificed himself on the altar of goddess of freedom. There was only one aim of his life, only one desire, only one hope - all that held meaning in his life was revolution. Kartar Singh was born in Sarabha, a village in district Ludhiana, in 1896. He was the only son of his parents. He was still very young when his father died. His grandfather brought him up with great care. After passing the ninth grade, he went to Orissa to live with his uncle. He completed his high school and began college while there. It was the year 1910-1911, when he had the opportunity to read a lot of books outside the narrow range of school or college text books. This was also the time of nationalist movement. It was this political environment that aroused the feeling of patriotism in him. It was then that he decided that he must travel to America. The family did not have any opposition to that. He arrived in San Francisco in 1912. Having arrived in the "free nation" his tender heart was subjected to blows and humiliation at every step. He would be very upset when he heard himself being called a damn Hindu or black man by the whites. At every step he felt his country's dignity and respect in jeopardy. It was impossible for him to remain calm. The question began to haunt him. How would the country become free if peaceful means failed. Without wasting much time in thinking, he began to organize Indian laborers. Many persons joined him when the work progressed. A special meeting of these people took place in May 1912. A few selected Indians attended that meeting. All of them took vow to dedicate their mind, body and wealth for the freedom of their country. Meantime the exiled Punjabi patriot Bhagwan Singh reached there. Meetings began to take place in a great number.

Intensive teaching became the name. Work was increased. The file was prepared. Then the need for a paper was felt. A paper named Gadar was launched. Its first issue was published in November 1913. Kartar Singh was also a member of its editorial board. His pen was very powerful. The dedication with which Kartar Singh worked gave courage to all others. In the meantime he joined an institute in New York to learn how to fly a plane and began his mission there wholeheartedly. In September 1914 Kamagata Maru ship had to return without unloading its human cargo after its passenger suffered indescribable tortures at the hand of the imperialist whites. So Kartar Singh along with Kranti Priya Gupta and an American anarchist named Jack went to Japan. He met Baba Gurdit Singh in Kobe and held consultations with him. From Yugantar Ashram, San Francisco, copies of Gadar, Gadar ki Gunj and many other publications were printed and distributed regularly. Propaganda was increasing every day. Enthusiasm kept in the air. Kartar Singh forcefully advocated for returning to India. Then he himself sailed for Colombo (Sri Lanka). In those people returning from America and going to Punjab were quite often safely. But Kartar Singh did. He dedicated himself to the Party wholeheartedly. They lacked organization. Somehow that was created. In December young Maratha revolutionary Vishnu Ganesh Pingle also reached India. Through their efforts Shachindra Nath Sanyal and Ras Behari also came to Punjab. Kartar Singh was everywhere - if there was a secret meeting in Moga, he was there, next day, message was to be spread among the students in Lahore, he would be the first to be there. Next, the efforts were being made to have an alliance with Ferozepur Cantonments soldiers or there was a need to go to Calcutta for acquiring the arms. He would go everywhere. But there was no money. For that Kartar Singh suggested armed robbery. Many of his colleagues were dumb-founded at the suggestion. He asked them not to worry, told them that even Bhai Parmanand is in favor of robberies. He was given the job to confirm this assertion. Next day he told his colleagues that he had asked him and had his consent. He could not bear the thought that due to the lack of finances, there should be a delay in launching a revolution. He even did robberies to collect money. Preparation was made for revolt to take place in February 1915. In the first week (of Feb. 1915) he along with Pingle and some other friends went to Agra, Kanpur, Allahabad, Lucknow, Meerut and other places to meet people and consult them about the coming revolt. Finally the day for which they waited so long was drawing near. February 21, 1915 was the day fixed for launching the revolt all over India. All preparations were being made according to that. But at the same time a rat was sitting at the root of the tree of their hopes branches was nibbling at it. Four or five days before (the appointed date) it was suspected that every thing would be ruined because of the betrayal by Kirpal Singh. The misfortune of India can be the only reason for all this. Kartar Singh reached Ferozepur with his fifty or sixty colleagues according to the place. He met with his friend soldier Havaldar and talked to him about the revolt. But Kirpal Singh had already spoiled everything. Indian soldiers were disarmed. Arrests were made on a mass scale. Havaldar refused to help. Efforts of Kartar Singh were unsuccessful. He went to Lahore disappointed. The pace of arrests all over Punjab was quickened. There they were caught. They were chained. Judges were very impressed by his bravery. But like an enemy with big heart they did not call his bravery as bravery but remembered him with shameless words. Not only they showered abuses on Kartar Singh, but gave him the sentence to be hanged. He smiled and thanked the judges. The case lasted for a year and a half. On November 16, 1915 he was hanged. That day too he was happy as always. His weight too increased. He embraced the hanging rope with the words, "Victory to Mother India."

Shaheed Udham Singh

Shaheed Udham Singh
Date of Birth : Dec 26, 1899
Date of Death : July 31, 1940
Place of Birth : Sunam
Udham Singh was one of the great patriots of India, born as Sher Singh on 26 December 1899, at Sunam, in the then princely state of Patiala. His father, Tahal Singh, was at that time working as a watchman on a railway crossing in the neighbouring village of Upall. Sher Singh lost his parents before he was seven years and was admitted along with his brother Mukta Singh to the Central Khalsa Orphanage at Amritsar on 24 October 1907. As both brothers were administered the Sikh initiatory rites at the Orphanage, they received new names, Sher Singh becoming Udham Singh and Mukta Singh Sadhu Singh. In 1917, Udham Singh's brother also died, leaving him alone in the world.

Udham Singh left the Orphanage after passing the matriculation examination in 1918. He was present in the Jallianvala Bag on the fateful Baisakhi day, 13 April 1919, when a peaceful assembly of people was fired upon by General Reginald Edward Harry Dyer, killing over one thousand people. The event which Udham Singh used to recall with anger and sorrow, turned him to the path of revolution. Soon after, he left India and went to the United States of America. He felt thrilled to learn about the militant activities of the Babar Akalis in the early 1920's, and returned home. He had secretly brought with him some revolvers and was arrested by the police in Amritsar, and sentenced to four years imprisonment under the Arms Act. On release in 1931, he returned to his native Sunam, but harassed by the local police, he once again returned to Amritsar and opened a shop as a signboard painter, assuming the name of Ram Muhammad Singh Azad. This name, which he was to use later in England, was adopted to emphasize the unity of all the religious communities in India in their struggle for political freedom.

Udham Singh was deeply influenced by the activities of Bhagat Singh and his revolutionary group. In 1935, when he was on a visit to Kashmlr, he was found carrying Bhagat Singh's portrait. He invariably referred to him as his guru. He loved to sing political songs, and was very fond of Ram Prasad Bismal, who was the leading poet of the revolutionaries. After staying for some months in Kashmir, Udham Singh left India. He wandered about the continent for some time, and reached England by the mid-thirties. He was on the lookout for an opportunity to avenge the Jalliavala Bagh tragedy. The long-waited moment at last came on 13 March 1940. On that day, at 4.30 p.m. in the Caxton Hall, London, where a meeting of the East India Association was being held in conjunction with the Royal Central Asian Society, Udham Singh fired five to six shots from his pistol at Sir Michael O'Dwyer, who was governor of the Punjab when the Amritsar massacre had taken place. O'Dwyer was hit twice and fell to the ground dead and Lord Zetland, the Secretary of State for India, who was presiding over the meeting was injured. Udham Singh was overpowered with a smoking revolver. He in fact made no attempt to escape and continued saying that he had done his duty by his country. On 1 April 1940, Udham Singh was formally charged with the murder of Sir Michael O'Dwyer. On 4 June 1940, he was committed to trial, at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, before Justice Atkinson, who sentenced him to death. An appeal was filed on his behalf which was dismissed on 15 July 1940. On 31 July 1940, Udham Singh was hanged in Pentonville Prison in London. Udham Singh was essentially a man of action and save his statement before the judge at his trial, there was no writing from his pen available to historians. Recently, letters written by him to Shiv Singh Jauhal during his days in prison after the shooting of Sir Michael O'Dwyer have been discovered and published. These letters show him as a man of great courage, with a sense of humour. He called himself a guest of His Majesty King George, and he looked upon death as a bride he was going to wed. By remaining cheerful to the last and going joyfully to the gallows, he followed the example of Bhagat Singh who had been his beau ideal. During the trial, Udham Singh had made a request that his ashes be sent back to his country, but this was not allowed. In 1975, however, the Government of India, at the instance of the Punjab Government, finally succeeded in bringing his ashes home. Lakhs of people gathered on the occasion to pay homage to his memory.

Madan Lal Dhingra

Madan Lal Dhingra

Date of Birth : 1887
Date of Death : Aug 17, 1909
Place of Birth : Punjab

Madan Lal Dhingra was an Indian political activist studying in England, where he murdered Sir Curzon Wylie, a British MP, which is hailed as one of the first acts of revolution in the Indian independence movement in the 20th century. Madan Lal Dhingra was born in 1887 to a prosperous Hindu family in the province of Punjab. His father was a wealthy civil surgeon.

In 1906, Madan Lal departed for England to join the University College, London, to study Mechanical Engineering. Dhingra's family were loyalists of the British, and disowned him after his expulsion from college in Lahore owing to illicit political activities. Dhingra had to work as a clerk, a tonga (rickshaw) puller, and a factory laborer. Dhingra attempted to organize a union there, but was sacked. He worked for sometime in Bombay, before acting upon the advice of his elder brother and going to England for higher studies. He was supported by his elder brother and some nationalist activists in England. Dhingra came into contact with noted Indian political activists Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and Krishna Verma, who were impressed by Dhingra's perseverance and intense patriotism, and turned his focus to the freedom struggle. Savarkar believed in revolution by any means, and supposedly gave Dhingra arms training, apart from membership in a secretive society, the Abhinav Bharat Sanstha. He was also a member of India House, the base for Indian student political activity. During this period, Savarkar, Dhingra and other student activists were enraged by the execution of freedom fighters such as Khudiram Bose, Kannai Dutt, Satinder Pal and Kanshi Ram in India. It is this event that is attributed by many historians as having led Savarkar and Dhingra scheme of exacting direct revenge upon the British. On the evening of July 1, 1909, a large number of Indians and Englishmen had gathered to attend the annual day function of the Indian National Association. When Sir Curzon Wyllie, a prominent British member of Parliament entered the hall with his wife, Dhingra fired five shots right at his face. Cowasji Lalkaka, a Parsee doctor who tried to save Sir Curzon, died of Madan Lal's sixth bullet, which he fired in self-defence because Lalkaka caught hold of him. Dhingra did not resist arrest. Dhingra was tried in Old Bailey Court on July 23. He stated that he did not intend to kill Cowasji Lalkar, which was purely accidental. Nevertheless, he was sentenced to death. After the judge announced his judgement, Dhingra stated, "I am proud to have the honour of laying down my life for my country. But remember we shall have our time in the days to come." Dhingra was hanged on August 17, 1909.

Sikander Hyat Khan

Sikander Hyat Khan

Date of Birth : -
Date of Death : -
Place of Birth : India
Sikander Hyat Khan was an Indian Muslim political leader in the province of Punjab, when India was a part of the British Empire. He was the leader of the Unionist Party, an all-Punjab political party formed to represent the concerns and issues of India's Muslims, however opposed to the political separatism and demand for Pakistan of the All India Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Khan led his party in the elections under the Government of India Act 1935 held in 1937. He governed the Punjab as Chief Minister in coalition with the Sikh Akali Dal and the Indian National Congress.

He was widely respected by Punjab's Sikhs and Hindu communities. Khan had opposed the Quit India Movement of 1942 and backed the British during World War II. While politically cooperating with the British, Khan never gave up his desire for the independence of India and the unity of Punjab. Khan was a very popular Punjabi leader who fought for greater Muslim rights and representation while opposing Jinnah's demands for Pakistan. His death in 1942, historians agree, created a vacuum of leadership for Punjab's Muslims, which increased the popularity of Jinnah, and resulted in the 1946-47 communal violence that killed thousands of people. Punjab was partitioned in 1946, creating the heavily Muslim province of West Punjab, which became the largest and most populated province of Pakistan on August 14, 1947. However, Khan still remains a respected figure in both India and Pakistan.

Tej Bahadur Sapru

Tej Bahadur Sapru
Date of Birth : Dec 8, 1875
Date of Death : Jan 20, 1949
Place of Birth : Uttar Pradesh
Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru was an eminent lawyer, political and social leader in India during the British Raj. He was knighted in 1922. Tej Bahadur Sapru was born on December 8th, 1875 in Aligarh, in what is now the state of Uttar Pradesh. He was born in a Kashmiri Hindu family. He was educated at the Agra College. Sapru worked in the Allahabad High Court as a lawyer where Purushottam Das Tandon worked as his junior. Sapru was a jurist and leader of the Indian Liberal Party. He favoured a dialogue with the British Empire and sought self-government reforms, but not independence from the Empire. Sapru and others like M.S. Jayakar favored discussions and dialogue with the British, and were regular participants in the provincial and central legislatures that most Indians thought were rubber-stamps of the Viceroy. He carried forward the moderate policies of Gopal Krishna Gokhale in the radicalized post-Amritsar Massacre period after World War I. Sapru criticized Mahatma Gandhi's leadership, as well as the Non-Cooperation Movement and the Salt Satyagraha. However, he often acted as a mediator which helped him to broker the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, bringing the Salt Satyagraha to an end; and the Poona Pact, striking an agreement between Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar and the British government.

However, in the polarized atmosphere of the time, his Liberal Party remained an intellectual talking shop with little popular backing - it was less than the sum of its distinguished leadership. Sapru served in the United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh) Legislative Council (1913-16), the Imperial Legislative Council (1916-20), and was law member of the Viceroy's Council (1920-23). He was very active in the Indian Round Table Conferences 1931-1933 and served as an informal spokesman for liberal views in the first of these which was boycotted by Congress. He was also a member of the Privy council in 1934. Sapru strongly supported Britain and the inclusion of British India in World War II. However, Sapru was one of the most important lawyers engaged to defend captured soldiers of the Indian National Army, led by Subhas Chandra Bose. Although regarded with respect in independent India, Sapru was very unpopular amongst common people due to his pro-British opposition to the Indian National Congress and leaders like Mahatma Gandhi.

He died shortly after India's independence, on January 20, 1949 in Allahabad.


Date of Birth : -
Date of Death : Mar 23, 1931
Place of Birth : India
Sukhdev was an Indian revolutionary. He is best known as an accomplice of Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru in the killing of a British police officer in 1928 in order to take revenge for the death of veteran leader Lala Lajpat Rai due to excessive police beating. All three were convicted of the crime and hanged on March 23, 1931.

Shivaram Rajguru

Shivaram Rajguru

Date of Birth : 1908
Date of Death : Mar 23, 1931
Place of Birth : India
Hari Shivaram Rajguru was an Indian revolutionary. He is best known as an accomplice of Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev in the killing of a British police officer in 1928 in order to take revenge for the death of veteran leader Lala Lajpat Rai due to excessive police beating. All three were convicted of the crime and hanged on March 23, 1931. Rajguru was hiding in Nagpur. He met Dr. K. B. Hedgewar and was hiding in one of the RSS worker's house. But after some days he went to Pune and later was arrested there.

Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh

Date of Birth : Sep 27, 1907
Date of Death : Mar 23, 1931
Place of Birth : Jalandhar
Bhagat Singh (September 27, 1907 - March 23, 1931) was an Indian revolutionary, considered to be one of the most famous martyrs of the Indian freedom struggle. For this reason, he is often referred to as Shaheed Bhagat Singh (the word shaheed means "martyr"). Bhagat Singh was born into a Sikh family to Sardar Kishan Singh and Vidyavati in the Khatkar Kalan village near Banga in the Jalandhar district of Punjab. His uncle, Sardar Ajit Singh, as well as his father, were great freedom fighters, so Bhagat Singh grew up in a patriotic atmosphere. Ajit Singh established the Indian Patriots' Association, along with Syed Haidar Raza, to organize the peasants against the Chenab Canal Colony Bill. He also established the secret organization, the Bharat Mata Society. At an early age, Bhagat Singh started dreaming of uprooting the British empire. Never afraid of fighting during his childhood, he thought of "growing guns in the fields," so that he could fight against the British. The Ghadar Movement left a deep imprint on his mind. Kartar Sing Sarabha, hanged at the age of 19, became his hero. The massacre at Jallianwala Bagh on April 13, 1919 drove him to go to Amritsar, where he kissed the earth sanctified by the martyrs' blood and brought back home a little of the soaked soil. He studied in the D.A.V. School in Lahore. At the age of 16, he used to wonder why so many Indians could not drive away these fistful of invaders. In search of revolutionary groups and ideas, he met Sukhdev and Rajguru. Bhagat Singh, along with the help of Chandrashekhar Azad, formed the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army (HSRA). The aim of this Indian revolutionary movement was now defined as not only to make India independent, but also to create "a socialist India." During the Simon Commission, Sher-e-Punjab Lala Lajpat Rai was wounded and died later. To avenge his death, Bhagat Singh and Rajguru killed Mr. Saunders (one of the deputy officers in connection with the Simon Commission).

When the British government promulgated the two bills "Trade Union Dispute Bill" and "Public Safety Bill" which Bhagat Singh and his party thought were Black Laws aimed at curbing citizens' freedom and civil liberties, they decided to oppose these bills by throwing a bomb in the Central Assembly Hall (which is now Lok Sabha). However, things changed, and the Britishers arrested Bhagat Singh and his friends on April 8, 1929. He and his friends wanted to be shot dead, since they were termed as prisoners of war. Their request was not fulfilled, and on March 23, 1931, Bhagat Singh, Shivram Rajguru, and Sukhdev were hanged to death. This man's only mission in life was to see his country free from British rule. He did his best and when he was being led to the gallows, he was satisfied that he had lived up to his principles, irrespective of the consequences. The only thing that made him sad was that he couldn't do more for his country.

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Date of Birth : 1890
Date of Death : Jan 20, 1988
Place of Birth : Peshawar
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan born at Hashtnagar in Utmanzai, Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, India, 1890 and died in Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan, 20 January 1988, was a Pashtun (Afghan) political and spiritual leader known for his non-violent opposition to British rule during the final years of the Empire on the Indian sub-continent. He was a lifelong pacifist and a devout Muslim. He was known as Badshah Khan (sometimes written as Bacha Khan), the `Khan of Khans', and `Frontier Gandhi'. Ghaffar Khan was educated in a small school run by Christian missionaries. His childhood was in sharp contrast to his contemporaries. Education as a means of social advancement remained an ideal throughout his life. Ghaffar Khan's goal was a united, independent, secular India; to achieve this end, he founded the Khudai Khidmatgar (also known as the `Red Shirts') during the 1920s. The Khudai Khidmatgar was founded on a belief in the power of complete non-violence. Ghaffar Khan forged a close, spiritual, and always uninhibited friendship with Mahatma Gandhi, the pioneer of non-violent mass civil disobedience in India. The two had a deep admiration towards each other and worked together for the rest of their lives. Ghaffar Khan was a champion of women's rights and nonviolence. He strongly opposed the partition of India.

His autobiography My life and struggle: Autobiography of Badshah Khan was published in 1969. He visited India and participated in the centenary celebrations of the Indian National Congress in 1985; he was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, in 1987. Ghaffar Khan died in Peshawar under house arrest in 1988 and was buried in Jalalabad according to his wishes. Although he had been repeatedly imprisoned and persecuted, tens of thousands of mourners attended his funeral, marching through the historic Khyber Pass from Peshawar to Jalalabad. A cease fire was announced in the Afghan war to allow the funeral to take place. His eldest son Ghani Khan was a poet. Another son Khan Wali Khan is the founder and leader of the Awami National Party and was the Leader of the Opposition in the Pakistan National Assembly. His third son Ali Khan was non-political and a distinguished educationist and served as Vice-Chancellor of University of Peshawar. As well as the head of Aitchison College Lahore and Fazle Haq college Mardan.

Sheikh Abdullah

Sheikh Abdullah

Date of Birth : 1905
Date of Death : 1982
Place of Birth : Kashmir
Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah known as Sher-e-Kashmir' (the Lion of Kashmir) (1905-1982) was one of the most important political figures in the modern history of Jammu and Kashmir.

Sheikh Abdullah became the Prime Minister of Kashmir soon after its Provisional accession (limited to Defence, Foreign Affairs and Finance and subject to ratification by plebiscite that has till now not taken place) to India. Sheikh Abdullah was a charismatic leader, and had the following of a huge majority of Kashmiris. Sheikh Abdullah made a very important speech in the shrine of Hazratbal on 14 January 1949. Sheikh Abdullah redefines freedom in a manner that appears refreshingly new and revolutionary even today in the twentieth century.

Sardul Singh Caveeshar

Sardul Singh Caveeshar

Date of Birth : 1886
Date of Death : 1963
Place of Birth : Amritsar
Sardul Singh Caveeshar (1886 in Amritsar - 1963) was an Indian freedom fighter and newspaper editor. Educated in Lahore, Caveeshar began his public career in 1913, when he launched the English-language newspaper 'Sikh Review'. An early article in the Sikh Review criticized the demolition of an external city wall during the construction of New Delhi, as the wall had been part of a historic Sikh gurdwara; this led to widespread Sikh agitation until the outbreak of the First World War, at which point that particular issue was considered to be of lessened priority. After the war, however, Caveeshar renewed his calls for action, with the result that he was expelled from Delhi. He moved to Lahore and began another newspaper, the New Herald. In 1919, he was arrested and imprisoned for writing against the Rowlatt Act. In 1921, he issued a public call for 100 Sikh volunteers to rebuild the gurdwara's demolished wall, at the cost of their lives if need be.

700 volunteers (including Caveeshar himself) turned out; however, before they could leave Lahore for Delhi, word arrived that the Delhi city government had rebuilt the wall. The next month, he was arrested, charged with sedition, and imprisoned for four years for having written about a massacre of Sikh reformists. In 1933, he became acting president of the Congress after his predecessor was arrested for participating in civil disobedience. In 1935, he openly opposed the Congress's participation in the Government of India Act, and in 1937 chose to resign his membership in the party after they accepted office in the provinces where they had earned a majority. In 1939, he joined Subhash Chandra Bose's All India Forward Bloc faction; when Bose left India in 1941, Caveeshar became the Bloc's president. As a result, he was arrested, and imprisoned for four years. After Indian independence, Sardul Singh Caveeshar retired from active politics in 1948.